To sipe or not to sipe KM2s?


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
As per the 265s, not really. The 265 is a 31.5x10.5 if you're lucky on the diameter height, the 255 being a much more true 33x10, 85 being of course a nice aspect ratio for the snow :)
I have now literally driven the Goodyear Duratracs in ALL conditions. From snow, ice, rain, sand, rocks, and multiple types of mud. They are absolutely the best all around tire I have ever used. In the time I've had my Duratracs, Mr. Leary has warrantied three KM2s due to sidewall failures. And I have only wheeled marginally less than he. I was the only one besides the police with chains, able to safely drive around last winter during a snow/ice event. Leary's KM2s were slipping and sliding all over, so siping would certainly help.


Viking with a Hammer
Can you clarify? You had chains on Duratracs and comparing that against bare KM2s?

I think he meant that he was the only one driving well on the snowy streets except for the police, and they had chains. Not that he was running chains on his Duratracs.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
LOL. Chains are a different topic, I'd never stop using them in the worst :) I'll have to seriously reconsdier the Duratracs now.
Can you clarify? You had chains on Duratracs and comparing that against bare KM2s?

I think he meant that he was the only one driving well on the snowy streets except for the police, and they had chains. Not that he was running chains on his Duratracs.

Yes, sorry, multitasking this morning.... Buliwyf is correct, only the police had chains on their vehicles. On multiple occasions i pulled vehicles over an overpass entering a neighborhood so that they could get back home during the evening after the bridge re-froze. I would stop, unhook them, go down to the bottom of the bridge and stop traffic before the intersection so that they could slide down the hill....:smiley_drive:


Photographer in the Wild
I have been running toyo Mt's on mine and my fathers trucks since they came out. my dad actually gets about 50,000 miles out of his on his Ford f250. i dont know what I have on mine but they are still in top condition. we run in almost every type of condition there is including heavy haul on ice with them so we are pretty firm believers in the Toyo MT and even the AT that my grand father runs on his tundra.
That said, because of the price increase of the toyos, my next tire will most likely be the Duratrac. I am not a fan of the KM2 and I know the duratrac is rated much better in snow than the KM2


Renaissance Redneck
I have had two different friends (80 series diesel and full size diesel) both destroy multiple Duratracs due to sidewall failures. They have all been warrantied, but I would be nervous. They are only two ply, and we have a lot of big timber around here that always seems to fall down and have stubby little branch ends stick out and cut tires.

That said, I have driven my KM2s in the snow twice this year, and siping tools were the topic of conversation with my local parts store this morning. I was NOT thrilled with their performance so far. I will report back after siping is done...


Photographer in the Wild
I have had two different friends (80 series diesel and full size diesel) both destroy multiple Duratracs due to sidewall failures. They have all been warrantied, but I would be nervous. They are only two ply, and we have a lot of big timber around here that always seems to fall down and have stubby little branch ends stick out and cut tires.

That said, I have driven my KM2s in the snow twice this year, and siping tools were the topic of conversation with my local parts store this morning. I was NOT thrilled with their performance so far. I will report back after siping is done...

IDK where you get your info BUT, the duratrac is available in a C,D, and E rating, that means they are a 6,8, and 10 ply rating


Awesome thread! I've got KM2's on my truck, but haven't encountered snow yet. I'll pipe in when it finally snows in Ohio and keep in mind the siping if they perform horribly.


Expedition Leader
I have become a real fan of Goodyear MT/R tires over the past few years, but I really wish they made a 255. Scott, I think you have to decide how married you are to the 255 size. The Goodyear 285/75 is about a 33x11.5. If I recall, the 255 KM2 is about a 33.5x10.5. I don't really mind the extra width in dirt or rocks. I do mind the extra width in snow, on pavement and in sand.

I wouldn't totally poopoo the idea of separate snows/wheels. Doing so has extended the life of my MT/Rs so much as not to be an issue financially. I have a set of studded cooper snows and they are adequate. If you can swing them this year, you may get another two years out of your KMs.

The best advice I would give is to keep an eye out on craigslist and You never know what might show up.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
The 255s were the option because the KM2s were on sale in this size. I ended up not purchasing. I agree with having two different sets of tires, but alas I will sleeping next to them in the garage as per the wife if I add any more truck stuff in the garage. I just don't have the room for two sets of tires and as such need a year-round tire.

We'll see if there is any play $ come spring, and re-evaluate the best solution. I'd really like the MTRKs.

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