Show me your "Adult" rigs and how you keep them running.


Well-known member
Hope I'm in an acceptable thread for my F-150

99 F-150 XLT, 4x4 with towing package is getting a make over. 85,3xx on the clock and no major issues, just a heater and radiator flush and a new temp control knob solved my heat & A/C issues, lucky! Second set of tires, one batter, one transmission flush, and annual oil changes. It's been a great truck! :smiley_drive:


Sorry, didn't see the 21 YO age limit, but I started sitting at the bar at 17!
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I always like reading about your Rover, put me on the list for the book!

The book will not be about my Dormobile nor my travels other than it showing up in a few of my pictures. Instead it is more of a how-to which I have tried to make it more of a why-to providing alternatives so the reader can make choices based upon their own situation and travel preferences. Things change as people become more comfortable being in nature and as people age or if their physical ability changes from an accident, war, or disease. No one solution fits everyone throughout their life and no solution fits everyone. And no one vehicle is best for everyone. The book tries to accommodate both the total overland travel novice and someone who has spent a lot of time driving a 4X4 off road and wants to go on longer trips to see more of Canada and the United States. The link goes to the book's table of contents and the book's introduction.

I was unhappy to learn that the printing cost for a book with colour photographs is nearly 5 times the cost of printing black and white. So to keep it affordable in intend to have it printed as a black and white softbound book. I am toying with the idea of a second version that will be colour hardbound for people who are not overly price conscious.

I currently plan to intro the book at Overland Expo East in North Carolina. I intend to load the dog and 250 books into the Dormie and head east.


New member
My "adult" rig, a 1994 K2500 Suburban, approaching 325,000 miles, its getting close to time to freshen a few things up on the truck, it has served me well, it has been my work truck, pulling a car trailer constantly, then this past summer it was loaded down and driven from Texas to Pennsylvania as my wife, son, and I relocated for her job. Now it is no longer my daily driver and has been serving duty as the family camping and four wheelin' rig, which it has down quite well. Don't think I'll ever get rid of it, I have to keep it, my 3 year old son would disown me if I sold it.
2015-12-19 14.37.56.jpg


New member
"adult" vehicle-Eagle Wagon

I currently have my "adult" vehicle at a shop now getting a full overhaul front to back. It is a 1984 AMC Eagle Wagon. Its getting the 4.2 rebuilt with a 4.0 head swap as well as a mild 2" lift. It is also returning to the original 2.35 drive ratio. This was all to return it to a fuel efficient all wheel drive exploration vehicle. Once I get ti back, I will start my build thread of its mods and such. She will be a western expedition vehicle for my wife and I. There are backwoods that need to be explored and this will be the way we do it for awhile.


This thread may be my new favorite--read through the whole thing today, and now I'm feeling kind'a down that I'm at the end.

Here's the '85 4runner that's been with me since I started college 18 years ago. We went through the engine internals around that time. Lately, it's just been replacing the occasional part or wiggling a wire or connector now and then.



And its predecessor, the '84 with the 302 and C6. It never needed anything while I had it...just fuel...and more fuel.

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Great Build, TerriAnn

I have always admired your Rover since I first saw it at the Expo, many years ago. I assumed that you kept the Wolfhound with you to assist with the steeper hills. Knowing that you have a Ford 302, I know better. You have built yourself a great vehicle. We would love to have you come along on one of our Old Iron Runs.


I currently have my "adult" vehicle at a shop now getting a full overhaul front to back. It is a 1984 AMC Eagle Wagon. Its getting the 4.2 rebuilt with a 4.0 head swap as well as a mild 2" lift. It is also returning to the original 2.35 drive ratio. This was all to return it to a fuel efficient all wheel drive exploration vehicle. Once I get ti back, I will start my build thread of its mods and such. She will be a western expedition vehicle for my wife and I. There are backwoods that need to be explored and this will be the way we do it for awhile.

Looking forward to pics and a thread on the AMC.


New member
Here's my new to me vehicle. 1995 Ford Bronco XL with the 5.0 Liter (302) V8. She's currently at the mechanic's having some work done to make her safe to drive. I'll post a build thread once she comes back.



Crew Chief
Just wanted to give a quick bump. Got a minor upgrade to my interior. I installed the center console out of 2011 Ford Raptor in my 1991 Bronco and I think it came out great.



Wow just realized my newest veh in my fleet is able to be listed here. Its a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo . I just picked it up a few months ago for 500 $ :wings: runs good now but needs some work around the edges.88844587-0817-4090-b98c-1a0814d70a97.jpg

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