SEMA 2021 - Jeep Wrangler Overlook Concept

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
The model after that the roof and doors will no longer come off because nobody takes them off anymore anyway

I really liked how everyone said that was going to happen for the JL, and then the *very first* marketing photos of the JL showed it with the windscreen down.
I like to think that was Jeep giving the middle finger to the doubters :)



By then you will be dead so why would you care???
I care now because right now you can't buy any other two door, body on frame, straight axle SUV's because the very thing I described is exactly what happened to those vehicles. They were purchased by people who did nothing but complain about how they rode like trucks and didn't handle like cars, were too hard to get the kids into the back seat, didn't have enough back seats or enough space behind all the back seats. All because they really wanted and needed was a minivan but didn't want to be seen driving a minivan. Those people killed those vehicles plain and simple. I would love nothing more than for there to still be Blazers and Ramchargers running around like there used to be but that can never be. The Wrangler is literally the last one and this is nothing but the end of it. It will happen just the way I described, there is no stopping it. There is no going back. The SUV is dead, long live the SUV.


I understand where Bullseye is coming from. However, Ford did release the Bronco. I still have'nt been inside, or much less around one.
I think the competition will make Jeep even better!

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