SAR Vehicle Photos

Two-Wheeled Explorer

Proceeding on...
Just getting around to reading this one and really dig the Soob!


I asked a Subaru rep about it at a race we worked (medical) this winter, and he said it is probably sitting in a warehouse, un-used and un-loved, at Subaru's US HQ in New Jersey.

We have used our mountain bikes to assist on several local SAR missions. It is not our primary function, but we do cover a lot of trail and do building checks (barns, hunting cabins, sheds, "outhouse, hen house, dog house", etc.) quickly and efficiently.


Photo from an actual search in western WI about 5 years ago.

Pat Caulfield

New member
Does anyone have pictures of any internal vehicle racking/oragnizing systems you are using? We have a F350 pickup with a topper, equipped with a bed slide. We want to build a rack to organize equipment ,e,g, ropes, hardware, bash bags, O tanks,etc. on the bed slide. Looking for how other folks may have put together a rack to sit on the bed slide. Have looked at them on fire and heavy rescue rigs, but looking for more SAR specific setups.


Two-Wheeled Explorer

Proceeding on...
I just remembered I never posted any of the vehicles from last years MRA Conference at Timberline Lodge
I saw this one for sale somewhere in Washington


Unless I miss my guess, I believe that truck started life as a Civil Defense Heavy Rescue Truck back in the Cold War days. The DCPA (Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, part of DOD, predecessor to FEMA) sent them and light duty rescue trucks out across the country in anticipation that Nikita Khrushchev would try to make good on his promise to bury us. They also had us practice hiding under our school desks in case the big one came while we were in school.



I, too, remember the "drop drills' we had in school back in the early '60s. I suppose being under a desk would help if the ceiling fell in, but if a real H-bomb (liquid deuterium, technically) ever did go off in the neighborhood, everybody's butt would've gotten a serious overdose of gamma rays, etc...

And, as I recall, the light-duty Civil Defense rigs were IH Travelalls.


New member
Yes, LOVE THEM. The handled the snow like a beast. I felt like I should be singing the song from that 90's remote control car commercial for "THE ANIMAL".. it was the one where the claws literally came out of the wheels..... anyway.

Here is a mock up for what the truck will look like for the upcoming summer training session we do. I am the Operations Section Chief and a Lead Training Instructor for our academy and frequently use my Jeep for "Official Business". Since we are volunteer, and its my daily driver. I don't want to do anything permanent to it, but want to mark it up when I am using it for the week worth of official things.

The Deal is a 12"inch magnet and its reflective, the striping is going to be plasti dip. Let me know what you guys think. The only thing that will be different looking come August when I put the stripes on, is the Gobi Rack which is on order.



A couple from a few months back




And one that I got off of the coast guard Facebook page of me doing maintenance (me on the right)

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