Proud Rhino Bumper LR3 Review

There was no frame cutting for my ARB bumper install. Did cut the plastic liner in front of the tire on the side of the washer tank was a bit more involved.
I really don't think I would purchase anything that says 'bolt on' that involves cutting the frame.

To caveat off DiscoDavis, I believe the "cutting" means the fender tabs and wheel well fairings and covers. Thus far, all of these bumpers as stated appear to have a similar install process with NO FRAME cutting involved, just trimming of plastic and metal fender tab cutting.

The rear TR is bolt on, the front is "NOT" bolt on for any of these bumpers IMO.......anytime a saw or drill is involved, I believe the term bolt-on goes out the


No frame or fender cutting. Trim fender flares and inner wheel wells to fit. Inner frame attachment bolts are accessed via the winch opening fairly easily. The front valve block mounts to a tab inside the bumper. Washer bottle has to be relocated. There are a few different ways to do this. Clean nice bumper in my opinion.

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Good placement of washer bottle. Didn't do that for mine as there was a fuse block and other parts for aux battery there already.
Pulled the trigger and....


Ordered the bumper a few weeks ago, it took about a week to make it from
NY to TX. It sat at the shipper for three days locally waiting on them to schedule a deliver to my house. Unfortunately, it arrived scratched, and missing the shackles. The Lucky8 guys are working to get a credit from the shipper, we will see, and the shackles are on their way.

Overall the bumper is awesome, great quality and easy to install. I did it myself. It took longer to take all of the old parts off, than it did to install. I used a floor jack, it was fairly simple, 8 bolts.


As for the cutting questions earlier. The only trimming was of the flares and inner wheel linings. No metal cutting required.


I struggled a bit to find a good set of light mounting brackets. I purchased a couple of brands to try out from 4 wheel parts, but did not like any of them. KC and Rugged Ridge. I found that the cheapest option from Amazon worked the best $12, 2” horizontal bar aluminum brackets. I did have to replace the cheap allen bolts with a longer and sturdier set from Ace hardware.

As for the washer bottle relocation, I purchased a $18 option from Amazon and a 2” wise piece on aluminum from Lowe’s to form the bracket. It was an easy install as well. I’ll take some pics tomorrow in the daylight and upload.

Also, I used my Gap IID to disable the front parking sensors, as I removed them completely.

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Pulled the trigger and....


Ordered the bumper a few weeks ago, it took about a week to make it from
NY to TX. It sat at the shipper for three days locally waiting on them to schedule a deliver to my house. Unfortunately, it arrived scratched, and missing the shackles. The Lucky8 guys are working to get a credit from the shipper, we will see, and the shackles are on their way.

Overall the bumper is awesome, great quality and easy to install. I did it myself. It took longer to take all of the old parts off, than it did to install. I used a floor jack, it was fairly simple, 8 bolts.


As for the cutting questions earlier. The only trimming was of the flares and inner wheel linings. No metal cutting required.


I struggled a bit to find a good set of light mounting brackets. I purchased a couple of brands to try out from 4 wheel parts, but did not like any of them. KC and Rugged Ridge. I found that the cheapest option from Amazon worked the best $12, 2” horizontal bar aluminum brackets. I did have to replace the cheap allen bolts with a longer and sturdier set from Ace hardware.

As for the washer bottle relocation, I purchased a $18 option from Amazon and a 2” wise piece on aluminum from Lowe’s to form the bracket. It was an easy install as well. I’ll take some pics tomorrow in the daylight and upload.

Also, I used my Gap IID to disable the front parking sensors, as I removed them completely.

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Oh, and the winch is next on the list!

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New member
Nice. I have the same bumper on order. I also just purchased a Superwinch EXP. Quick question. Did you add a skid plate? I am debating adding the front runner skid plate, but not sure if it will match to the bumper well.
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Yes the front runner skid plate. It’s great!

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I’ll take pics of the skid plate tomorrow, I think it covers the frame the best.

I can fit my arm through the front of the bumper, winch access seems to be well. Adding one soon.

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New member
Quick question. I just received my bumper today. No mounting hardware and no swivel recovery points were included. I have emailed lucky8, so I hope to hear back in the morning. Did you guys get any mounting hardware? I know they will send the swivel recovery points. Also, was there any instructions included? I also purchased their sliders. The bolt washers seem a little small and, once again, not installation instructions. Starting to really question my choice. Detail like this make me question their quality control....

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