Overlandtowater’s solid axle suburban

Heading Out

Driving Hwy 6 across Nevada some years ago, we came across a swarm of Locust covering the road for about 5 miles.
five days later on the return trip they where still there. Couldn't tell the truck was red from the front, little bodies fell from
the front end of that truck for years.


Well-known member
Around the bottoms anywhere are thick with bugs this year. Usually by this time we are begging for rain but we had over 3" this last week.

I fought those mosquitos tonight and started installing the gmrs in the truck. I'm going to tuck it up under center console and just run a rj45 extension and a usb extension to a spot on the dash somewhere that way when i don't need the mic i can unhook it and throw it in the console. Keep it clean.20200625_195211.jpg20200625_195213.jpg20200625_195219.jpg20200625_195223.jpg20200625_195243.jpg


Well-known member
That antenna is only temporary untill i get the ghost antenna, well unless this one works really good speaking of antennas i was looking at the onstar antenna and unscrewed it and noticed the threads appeared to be the same as the FM antenna......well I had to see.

The stubby onstar antenna picked up the same stations as the longer one.....maybe i have a new stubby radio antenna? LOL....

I swaped them back...20200625_194936.jpg20200625_194942.jpg20200625_195154.jpg


Expedition Leader
you know that's not a bad idea. I should put my 1/4-wave 2m antenna on that roof OnStar mount and repurpose the cable run. Our OnStar systems are the obsolete analog system and no longer working on the receiver end, anyway (even though the systems in our vehicles can get triggered by an impact and try to 'phone home' incessantly until your battery is dead). My vehicle came sans antenna and the first time I gouged up my arm on those threads while washing the car I jammed a rubber vac line cap on them. And there it sits. I should put it to use.


Well-known member
I was thinking about trying to figure out how to make use of the OnStar antenna mount but if the treads are the same on the larger GMRS antennas then it would be a easy swap but do you know what the coax running to the onstar antenna looks like?

Deleted member 374434BT

Remember, you can delete the OEM antenna with a PS Escalade cowl trim. I've seen some mount the stock antenna lengthwise under the hood, along the fender.

I believe the Escalade uses an integrated windshield antenna.


Well-known member
Remember, you can delete the OEM antenna with a PS Escalade cowl trim. I've seen some mount the stock antenna lengthwise under the hood, along the fender.

I believe the Escalade uses an integrated windshield antenna.
Not that big of a deal. I dont mind antennas.


Well-known member
I guess the camel dust has made it here. If you look at the hills in the background you can see its foggy looking. My bet was on aliens for July.20200626_192943.jpg20200626_192941.jpg20200626_112405.jpg


UHF cam be used as a HAM radio, to get a licence is easy and is about 15 questions and $20. You can fly under the radar and use a frequency that dose not go through a repeater and not have interference from the general public. Radios are $35 for a hand held up to $300 for a 50 Watt radio. More Watts = more range. Most everyone is going to UHF and not CB or GRMS. Baofeng handhelds are cheap and popular. I run a 25 watt in my truck and carry a hand held to give to any one else I am travailing with.


Well-known member
I went ahead with the GMRS because I contacted a couple of clubs that will be attending the Natural State Overland's Rendezvous in the Ozarks and both of them are trail guides and they will be using GMRS....I found out east coast guys still run CB's, middle coast guys is a mix with mostly CB's(its flat and CB works well), mountain and west folks use a lot GMRS and HAM. I looked a the repeater map for GMRS and there are a ton of them. Mostly free to use just sign in.


Well-known member
Ok got lucky i didn't have to get an inspection. I know what your thinking I'm running around with a loose joint and I'm endangering mine and yours.... in reality the boots are busted and as long as i keep pumping grease in them is will last.

I want to upgrade to after market uppers and steering but those two things alone will almost meet my yearly allowed expenses.

All of that to say went down to the dmv gave them 60 and walked out with my stickers.


Well-known member
Aldo ordered my rj45 and usb extensions for my radio they should be here tomorrow and i aslo ordered the hinge kit for my swing out.

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