New Jeep Concept Vehicles at Easter Jeep Safari


Expedition Leader
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I noticed this as well, and found it somewhat disappointing. While it's an impressive vehicle, and I AM in love, you can tell that they kept the re-engineering to a minimum, and it's just a clever rearrangement of JK parts. A great basis for testing public reaction, but absolutely nothing to allude that they're actually tooling for its production. Sure would be nice, though... *swoon*

It does make me wonder how my TJ would turn out pulling a similar stunt though :)..


New member
I love all of them!! I wish Jeep would have made a JC12 kit with the longer bed instead of the JK8, even if they left the front stock JK.


The FC is awesome. Would love to see that make it into production. Minus the portals, and much smaller tires please. And a double cab version, and a bus version, and a Westfalia camper version.... sigh it'll never happen in any version.


Expedition Leader
Having owned and driven a FC170 I really like the new concept. Would love to see a crewcab and bus version with one ton axles and a 4 cylinder turbo diesel with a manual trans. Of course I am getting tired of Jeep trotting out these awesome concept vehicles at Easter Jeep Safari and then never actually making them, at least to us here in North America. Come on Jeep, stop teasing and actually carry through on some of these ideas. I would buy a FC bus with seating for 6, tow package, and diesel power.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I'd give a lot of money if someone, anyone would bring a small diesel to the States.
I'd give my left nut for that FC.

The 3.0 turbo diesel from VM/Fiat has been confirmed for the 2013 GC in North America. It makes 450 ft. lbs. and I expect a few companies to at least attempt the conversion into the Wrangler (it shares the same auto)


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