Mark Twain National Forest - OHV closures


Here in Missouri, the USFS has basically outlawed the use of 4x4's in the National Forest. There has been a long standing fight to keep the trails open and things were looking up.

A couple of years ago, the USFS opened a public comment period for the study of the effects of OHV usage in the MTNF. The study was put on the Schedule of Proposed Action for 2007 and now word has come that the project has been canceled due to lack of funding.

Currently the rules read that ATV's and 4x4's are restricted to numbered roads and county roads. All of the trails that are actually worth using four wheel drive on are no longer numbered, thus rendering closed. In the study, the assumption was these trails would be opened back up so the effects of their usage could be monitored.

My assumption is these trails will now remain closed without the study ever seeing the light of day. My question, and I'm afraid to hear the answer, is can the USFS legally do this?

Pertinent Links:

Study Information

Schedule of Proposed Actions


I don't see anywhere in the links you provided that the funding for the project was cut, but it woulnd't surprise me. A friend of mine who applied for a USFS job recently was told that they cancelled the job due to funds. The USFS, like every other federal agency, is dealing with massive funding cuts.

So, is this project part of the larger travel management rule that most National Forests are going through where they are looking at road use? I don't think they can make the type of closures you are talking about without going through that process.


Ursidae69 said:
I don't see anywhere in the links you provided that the funding for the project was cut, but it woulnd't surprise me. A friend of mine who applied for a USFS job recently was told that they cancelled the job due to funds. The USFS, like every other federal agency, is dealing with massive funding cuts.

Unfortunately, our local districts are AWFUL at notifying the public of any decisions they make. They definitely seem to hold information very close to the chest unless we press them for answers and explanations.

I read the lack of funding rumor on a local message board and am currently waiting to hear back from the USFS.

Ursidae69 said:
So, is this project part of the larger travel management rule that most National Forests are going through where they are looking at road use? I don't think they can make the type of closures you are talking about without going through that process.

As far as I know, this project is not part of the larger travel management rule. I have never seen anything that would lead me to believe that it is. I've always assumed this particular study is a local issue.

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