MAN 4x4 Truck camper build


I know it's out of sequence, but I remembered that I hadn't posted anything about the awning/sunshade I made, and this morning I put it up for the first time to keep things cooler in the 32 degree Broome sun.

It is made from truck vinyl and shadecloth, in a very simple wind up/down design.

This is how it looks when it is out:

And this is the view from inside!

More details on how it was made here:


Fantastic spot Cape Leveque, one of our favourites from our last trip around Australia. If you want a nice little camp, try Bully's Landing, great place. Love the awning, great idea, and will make such a difference having shade up there, things can get nice and warm even this time of year :)



I see you have listed your wagon for sale ....

Are you going to build another?????

Cheers Fugly


Very observant of fugly!!

Yes, I have listed it for sale to see what the interest is. Got a call on the first day from a bloke in Wollongong (2,000 Kms away) who said he'd like to come down and check it out, so that was positive.

I have got 2 plans in mind.

1; My son is working in Oxford (UK) for 3 years, so one plan is to sell the truck here and go to the UK and buy another truck to tour around Europe in for 2 or 3 years. There are a few for sale in Germany/Netherlands that are similar to the MAN. I did look into shipping my truck to Europe, but it seems inordinately complicated and quite expensive. For this plan to work, my missus would have to resign, and she's not sure if she wants to. She also said I have to sell the truck here if I want to buy another one in Europe!

2; Using the experience of building this truck, I'd build another one here (in Australia). I'd still buy a MAN, and I'd still have the canopy made by the same people who made the first one, but I'd probably just buy a single cabin, instead of the dual cab, and that would give me a bit more room in the canopy. It was fun travelling with another couple, but we liked being just the two of us better and if other people want to tag along then maybe they just hire their own car. I'd also make it slightly lower, as you don't need 2100mm internal headroom.

If it doesn't sell, then I'll keep modifying what I've got, as it is an excellent unit. But I just thought that while it was "As New" I'd probably get a better price for it to start the next project.



I've finally got around to making a blog post and a video about our 8 week holiday to the Kimberleys, up in the far north of Western Australia.

The video's got a mix of landscapes, the truck and people (mainly us!) and it'll give you a good idea of how things look up that way.

As a quick one paragraph summary, it was a brilliant trip. Truck performed well and all the hand-built stuff I'd made all worked nicely. It is a very easy way to travel. Biggest cost was diesel, but we saved a lot on accommodation.

We wimped out in Kununurra (half way point) and checked into a luxury apartment with a huge pool due to the highest May temperatures they'd had in 20 years or something. It was seriously hot at night, staying over 30 degrees (86F) overnight a couple of times, so an air-conditioned room and swimming all day beguiled us.

Favourite spot was Middle Lagoon, up at a place called Cape Leveque. Just heaven:


For more pictures & etc check out this post: Kimberley Trip 2015

For the video, check out this link. Watch it on YouTube (instead of below) - it's in High Definition and looks better bigger:



New member
MAN 4X4 LE10 Truck Camper

Hi All, This is my first post. I live on the Sunshine Coast of Australia and would like to introduce my MAN that we have just finished. We have.. just came back from a trip to the Tip. I will try to post some photo's soon. Regards Dennis


Hi Dennis,

Would be very interested to see what you have built, so you better post up some photos!

I am guessing that an MAN LE10 is an earlier version of my type of truck....

If you start a new thread, be sure to post a link to it here.


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