Mahindra 4x4 pickup


since the epa or whoever has the mpg rating down 33% (or more) since originally reported, I wonder if the (assumed) added emissions equipment cuts down on pollution 33% with the added factor of having to consume that much more fuel? plus everything that goes along with making the extra fuel.

who knows what to believe these days?

on my recent dmv statement, I now supposedly have to smog my 2003 vw TDI.

If it turns out to not be a mistake, there is one less little reason to buy a diesel.

I'm guessing your in CA..

Any diesel there newer than (IIRC '97/ 8) has to smog'd...


Sadly it appears to be continuing. Per the article, there will be a British arbitration hearing that will decide whether Mahindra will be forced to honor it's US deal.

However despite the issues with GV, Mahindra states it still plans to bring SUVs and trucks into the US as part of their global expansion plans.

Until last summer, Mahindra was planning to enter the United States through an independent distributor, Global Vehicles U.S.A. Inc. of Atlanta. Global Vehicles CEO John Perez had spent four years assembling the U.S. dealer network to sell diesel-engine compact pickups from India.

But after years of waiting for the trucks, that partnership collapsed just days before the EPA certified Mahindra's pickup as meeting U.S. emissions standards.

The 350-dealer network is in limbo, waiting to hear a British arbitration panel's ruling on Global's request that Mahindra be forced to honor its U.S. deal with Global Vehicles and give the pickups to Global Vehicles' dealer network.

Dealers in the dark

The dealers say they remain in the dark about what will happen to their Mahindra franchises.

"I don't know whether this Ssangyong news changes anything for us because none of us know where we stand," said one would-be Mahindra dealer, Bud Robke, owner of Robke Automotive in Florence, Ky.

"One thing it does do is lend more credence to Global Vehicles' complaint that it has been jerked around by Mahindra on its contract."

Read more:


The "Bolero PikUp" gets a solid front axle (leaf springs with shackle in front), if this tin can ever gets here, do you think it might leave a little to be desired?


Doesn't Get Out Enough
Global Vehicles USA has already dropped their suit and has agreed to abide by the ruling of the abitration in an effort to move forward with this whole mess...

...and in the meantime Mahindra has purchased a controlling stake in a large Chinese manufacturer in an effort to further its own global road vehicle plans...

"Mahindra may use Ssangyong engines in pickups it plans to sell in the U.S. as the company works to pare its reliance on the Indian market. The automaker in August won approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to introduce vehicles in the country. A legal dispute with a distributor has disrupted the start of sales."


Doesn't Get Out Enough
Wow... This whole thing has just gone from from bad to worse to worse-er.

"The dust-up between Indian automaker Mahindra and its jilted would-be American dealers is set to get a little nastier. According to Automotive News, several dealers have joined a lawsuit against their former partner that seeks both a refund for any fees paid to the truckmaker as well as punitive damages. One Jerry Ackerman is at the center of the suit. He paid $450,000 for three Mahindra franchises and now alleges that both Mahindra & Mahindra and Global Vehicles U.S.A. are in breach of contract. Ackerman's lawsuit is now seeking class action status.

Automotive News reports that the lawsuit could eventually represent as many as 350 dealers who signed up for franchises in the States. So far, around 45 dealers have shown interest in joining Ackerman's effort. Meanwhile, another 70 dealers recently met in Atlanta to discuss potential legal action against Mahindra. That lot has decided to file grievances against Mahindra with individual state motor vehicle agencies.

As you may recall, Mahindra originally contracted with Atlanta-based Global Vehicles U.S.A. to distribute its pickups in America, but later backed out of the deal. That left Global Vehicles U.S.A. and its dealers in a lurch. Global Vehicles U.S.A. initially filed suit against Mahindra but later dropped the effort.

The future prospects of Mahindra's diesel TR20 and TR40 pickups in North America remains uncertain."

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
I'm very curious about something...

A guy that owns a dealership pays what appears to be $150,000 to Global USA to have the rights to sell Mahindra trucks in a certain market area. On the business side of things, wouldn't you think those dealers would sign some sort of contract with provisions to get their money back if this deal between Global and Mahindra & Mahindra falls through?
And where did all that money from all those dealers go? I'm sure some if not most went to Mahindra & Mahindra from Global, but wouldn't Global still have some of it?
Why aren't the dealers getting at least part of their money back from Global?

Seems pretty stinky all the way around...

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