Little Guy


SE Expedition Society
Disappointment, thy name is Little Guy.

The driver got delayed and I didn't meet up with him until 10:30 this morning. He made it seem like it was my fault or something --- he was originally supposed to drop the trailer at my office yesterday at lunch. I'm not working today, of course.

The first thing I noticed was that they left the license plate back in Ohio. Ooops.
Second thing was they forgot my keys.
The new jockey wheel wasn't adjusted and wouldn't lift the tongue up to my truck.
The landing gear is the jack-style from the back of a full-size RV; it reaches but it's huge and will get ripped off by the first rock.
They forgot to swap the charger; the new one is still in a box in the back.
The spare tire carrier is mounted in a way that it will impact the tailgate of the truck on right turns; it has the wrong bolt pattern for my wheels anyhow.
Scott told me they were going to include an external-mount sink; they forgot that.

I talked to Scott at the factory; he seems like a good guy. A good guy that got roped into this build, wasn't equipped to handle it.
He told me to drop the trailer at a shop and have them finish the work; Scott will reimburse me for it.
Left all the trash in the trailer.

What they got right:
New fenders are on.
License plate is moved to rear lid --- I didn't check to see if the light works though.
Tongue box is replaced with an unwarped one and the batteries are in there securely.

They cut-down the panels that the mattresses sit on to make access to the storage easier. It's a little better but still needs a redesign; I've got a solution in my head that will make it very nice and I'll hopefully find some time to do it. As it is, the space is relatively useless due to the hassle of having to move too much crud to get to them and then finesse them open.
They disappeared the sink nicely.
Neat little cages around tail lights.
Nice latches to secure the drawer for the fridge and stove.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Bill: I am a new member of the "No Complaint Zone" movement, but gosh - after all the chatter that went on about this trailer and the company, the one thing you would have thought was that they would have made every attempt to have exceeded you expectations! Am I wrong to think this?
"let the charger in the box" - "forgot your keys" - "left your tag in Ohio" - "jockey wheel that won't reach" ... geesh, where was the owner when this thing left and why didn't he make dang sure this thing was top drawer for you?
I am disappointed for you.
Hopefully, you can still enjoy it and not see problems every time you go out with it.


SE Expedition Society
Still thinking that a few thousand dollars savings is worth all the headaches?
Hindsight is always 20/20.
If I had the keys to the wayback machine, no, I wouldn't have hired Little Guy.
If I had known the series of events that led me to a Power Wagon, I would've skipped the trailer entirely I think and gotten a 4WheelCamper or similar product.

There aren't many builders offering something with a king bed anyhow.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Keep your chin up Bill. Look at it as a way to do your own mods. We all have to ... no matter what we buy and no matter how great the condition.

I think you'll dial it in to your liking.



SE Expedition Society
Such amazing patience, Bill. I think I would have demanded my money back a long time ago. I think your plan was great but you have found a company that can't seem to deal with a customer that knows exactly what they want instead of taking what they try to ram down your throat. If there is a good thing ... it's been too hot to camp... :ylsmoke:


SE Expedition Society
got any pics of the new stuff? fenders, cages etc...
We forgot the camera on Saturday.

I think we're going to get Hurricane Irene this weekend; let's get out and go camping the next weekend.
I'll need some input from you on where to put the spare tire and what do do about landing gear.


Did you really feel this comment was necessary?

Please try not to be a ********.


First of all, I've never claimed I wasn't a ********. So lets cool it with the name calling, you might hurt my one feeling.

Second, there is a back story that makes the comment completely relevant.


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