FOUND Vans For Sale!


Which grille guard is that?
My guess is a GoRhino.

Heh, I'm in the opposite camp - a shorty is what I am looking for. Anybody know the seller?
I was thinking of going to look at it, just in case I could deal with the regular length, but I had an extended '04 and really miss it. I'm ready to get back into a van and the extra storage/interior room is worth the length of the rig for me. Though, I really want barn doors, too...


I'm with ya Colin, but for me it would be Chevy vs Ford, I'm old fashioned like that.
HB... You could always call and ask....

Pugs... just something random van I found on CL, give them a call, couldn't hurt.
My guess is a GoRhino.

I was thinking of going to look at it, just in case I could deal with the regular length, but I had an extended '04 and really miss it. I'm ready to get back into a van and the extra storage/interior room is worth the length of the rig for me. Though, I really want barn doors, too...

I like my "short" van, and like the barn doors, but the barn doors don't close that great, and they're a pain in tight parking since they have to swing open. If the van had the running gear I wanted, etc, it wouldn't matter extended or regular, barn door or sliding. Though I understand the tire clearance issues with a sliding door.

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