Can't find what I want so the build begins.


A bunch.
Mostly on the restoration and general maintenance side though.
Very few modifications to the stock set up ( other than the bed.)
I added new fuel tanks and lines.
New fuel pumps.
Replaced all of the brakes with all new parts.
New dizzy.
100 amp alternator.
Exhaust manifolds.
Procomp RS 9000 shocks.
Helwig rear sway bar and overloads.
Full urethane bushing kit.
Full tune up . 10mm plug wires.
A full grounding kit.
Repacked all of the bearings.
Full synthetic fluid change. ( royal purple).
Battery isolation system.
Electric brake controller.
Stereo and navigation system.
The truck was delivered with a T-18 4 speed,4:56 gears , LSD's in the axles and a full tow pack.
I am currently trying to decide on tires.
It's kind of a cool little truck. The PO was a maintenance fiend and the original owner.
I have a stack of records as thick as a phone book.
Thanks for the interest...
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I forgot how much fun outfitting an RV can be.
The wife and I spent the entire day today shopping for such mundane things as biodegradable toilet paper, melamine plates, collapsible drinking cups etc.
She has really taken this weight savings idea to hart. God bless her.
She is having a ball and I am getting flat feet and blind spots. ( Her new favorite sport is shooting me with new LED flash lights and judging the intensity by my pain level).
I probably deserve it.
It's going to take me a month to catalog and store all of the new stuff she is buying.
The sad part is that most of the new stuff we already own. But " none of that old raggedy stuff is going in her new camper" .
Honestly though. Nothing is more fun than spending the day with your loving spouse in several out door stores.
I hope she stays out of my fishing gear.....


Thanks for the truck update. I figured you had "refreshed" the truck but you did a lot more work than I suspected. Very Cool Build!



I didn't document the mechanicals mainly because most of us have seen that work done a thousand times before and would be bored to tears re hashing it.
To it's credit and to the credit of the trucks PO. It was in pretty good shape to start with.
Most of what was done wasn't needed. But I'd rather do that kind of work in the shop than on the trail. Call it preventative maintenance.
Thanks again Jorge, for the interest in the rig.
It has been a blast to build . The best part is, I am quite sure it will be even more fun to travel in.

I don't even know what parking lot this is. Undoubtedly an outdoor store in Portland or Vancouver.


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Great project and very good skills set. I have followed the whole build, wish I had the time to do something like that. I still love my old lance tho
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While I still have a ton of smalls to get done on my camper, it is ready to be taken into the woods as is.
My Daughter and Son in-laws camper is a different story.
It is a late 60's Security 8.6 .
We will be doing a face lift on it over the weekend . The Security has a molded fiberglass roof so ( luckily ) water damage is minimal .
Adding a 3 way fridge, pressurized water and a double sink will do it for the mechanicals .
A reconfigure of the cabinets will add a few much needed feet of countertop. Then new jacks will round out there cut list.
What are fathers for anyway????


Well, we managed to get a short trip under our belt this past weekend.
Took her up into the coast range for a rather wet shake down trip.
Had a blast . Everything worked perfectly.


I finally started to fabricate the retractable stairs for the coach.
I will post up pics at a later date.
This will likely take a while as I am recovering from an ATV crash that has severally limited my movement around the shop.
I hate getting old.


Thank you for the encouragement.
I'm nearly finished with the project and for once in my long life it looks like I timed it right.
We should get a lot of use out of the rig this year.


Well , time for an update:
Plans like life have a habit of changing.
My daughter is expecting our first grand child this July so staying close to home has become a priority.
To occupy my time I am prepping the shop for the restoration of a 1960 15' Crestliner Buccaneer .
This will be a tow behind for the Expeditions of our future.
I am a demon for trout fishing.....
The new plan is to leave in early September on an extended trip through Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana and Wyoming.
A tour of the western lakes.
So far the camper has been a joy to use. Its warm when it needs to be and cool on hot days.
Is light enough to allow the Ford to carry it without much effort.
We did have a slight problem with a fuel filter crossing the cascades in June. Debris from the ( BRAND NEW front tank ) decided to clog the filter at a very bad time.
This made for an exciting trip over the mountain ( Hood ) .
I now carry 4 spare filters.......
Am going to add Firestone air bags to the rear suspension this week just to add a bit more stability in loo of the added weight of the boat.
That's about it for now.
Happy trails guys and galls.

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