Canadians... What's it really like?


I can't imagine living anywhere else in the world than BC. The size, extent, and majesty of our wilderness is really second to none. If I were an American looking to relocate "close to the border" I'd be looking at Washington, Idaho, or Montana. Coincidentally, we spent this afternoon slaughtering pumpkins... an annual tradition shared with family and friends.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


wow... do you actually think that you one can defend oneself against a government with a hand or automatic gun? That is a joke. Seriously, to think that the citizens of these countries were killed because there was gun control is atrocious.

Yes. Gun Control initially is enacted to "control" people Nasko. “Gun Control” is about power and domination, not safety or crime control and most thinking students of history know it—including left-wingers. Simply put, people that have guns dominate those that don’t. As Jefferson said:

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”

A sign that someone is not well-versed in a subject is when they can’t provide basic facts, research, or studies to back-up their assertions. Nasko has shown us all just how that’s done. History is replete with resistance forces fighting superior armed forces using only basic weapons and succeeding. I can’t imagine where Nasko received his education, but I’ll help him understand the facts that I’ve provided with handy source materials and links. I doubt that this evidence will enlighten him. Here are just a few:

To me the best example of a group of people defeating a superior military (or government force as Nasko advises) force is known as the American Revolution. Some folks might have heard of it. How could a ragtag group of patriots without military experience, methods of training, supplying, or paying an army defeat the British?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn

Indians under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse wipe out Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and much of his 7th Cavalry in 1876.

This historical event known as the Tirah Valley Revolt really solidified key concepts for me, having been to the Pakistan/Afghanistan region seven times: 1897 Revolt and Tirah Valley Operations.pdf

In 1879, the British, armed with breech-loading rifles and 76mm cannons, were beaten at the Battle of Isandlwana. One of the most devastating defeats suffered by Britain at the hands of local inhabitants (without automatic weapons, armed with spears and cowhide shields).

Afghanistan defeated the Russians even though Russia was a technologically superior country.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Pakistan had state of the art American Tanks, Artillery and Aircraft. Indian forces had primarily WW II era tanks and aircraft. Even though Pakistan had the latest weaponry, they failed in their efforts to capture Kashmir.


300 Spartans led by Leonidas, and a couple thousand other Greeks held off hundreds of thousands of Persians.

The rest of the world, thankfully, is moving forward.

You're right, the REST of the world is moving forward by "controlling" their citizen's ability to protect themselves. Has Nasko been keeping up with what's occurring in Europe? Gun Control is rampant there and terrorists are taking advantage.

My statement is a reply to SigSense's statement that millions of people were killed in the Soviet Union, Turkey, Germany etc, because there was gun control in effect.

Are you saying that the information I provided is NOT factual? They are real and if you choose to not learn, then I can't help your impenetrable mind.

The studies that I mentioned were based on how Australia and GB have faired since introducing stricter gun control.

Studies which Nasko has NOT provided or discussed in a evidence-based manner. The facts are that Australia's and Great Britain's crime rate has increased immensely since enacting their Gun Control measures. Strict gun laws have not stopped mass killings or gun crime. While it is true that Australia has not had a mass shooting on the scale of Port Arthur since 1996, they have suffered the following: Millewa State Forest shootings, Monash University shooting, Hectorville Siege, Wedderburn, Lockart, gang and drug shootings in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, the Lindt Café and Parramatta Police Station shooting. Australia has also had mass killings in Childers (backpacker fire), the Quakers Hill nursing home fire and the Cairns mass child stabbings. To suggest that Australia’s strict laws have stopped gun crime or mass killings is ludicrous and a deceitful warping of statistics.

Here's some reading regarding Australia for you:

Here's a short video that may provide additional knowledge:

The United Kingdom is often held up as evidence of the effectiveness of gun control. After all, since 1920, the UK has experienced increasingly restrictive gun control, leading up to an almost-total ban on handguns, and even many shotguns.

And yet, the homicide rate increased for years after gun confiscation was put into effect:


The UK enacted its handgun ban in 1996. From 1990 until the ban was enacted, the homicide rate fluctuated between 10.9 and 13 homicides per million. After the ban was enacted, homicides trended up until they reached a peak of 18.0 in 2003. Since 2003, which incidentally was about the time the British government flooded the country with 20,000 more cops, the homicide rate has fallen to 11.1 in 2010. In other words, the 15-year experiment in a handgun ban has achieved absolutely nothing. Factually, Gun Control made England the most violent country in Europe.

League of shame.jpg

Finally, I ask all who seek a background video on the dangers of Gun Control to view this offering:


As I understand it from a good friend who is a geologist , if you get a prospectors license you can carry a handgun in the bush.
That said handguns are mostly useless against grizzlies unless it's a .454 casul.
I Carry bear bangers when I'm mountain biking in the back country .
Never had to use them .
Statistically you don't need to carry a gun in Canada to protect yourself.

The city of Surrey in Bc is however has shootings due to Hindi drug wars every other day. Gun laws don't stop that.
That said full auto has no purpose for hunting or target practice and I'm glad we don't have that here.
The big thing that separates us from our southern neighbours is health care.
No free health care , we pay a lot of taxes for our health care system because we are humane people.
If the us had better health care identifying and helping people mental problems there would be less mass shootings.
In Canada we guns out of the hands of mentally disturbed individuals fairly well.
Therefore less mass murder shootings.

For what's it worth I am an avid shooter , reloaded and got my IPSC black badge in 1989.

First of all even if you get prospectors license and pass wilderness carry course CFO will issue a wilderness carry permit only if you've been a prospector for a while, have proof that prospecting gives you at least 50% of your income. Which makes wilderness carry off limits for outdoor enthusiasts. As per bear bangers, bear spray or bear bells, you probably understand yourself that a .44 works better. After all prospectors are allowed to have a gun, they don't spend weeks in the bush rely only on bear bangers as a wildlife defense. I know about statistics, but nobody wants to be part of that 0.01% of whatever statistics say. We have home insurance and spare tires and some have of us fire extinguishers, survival kits and other emergency stuff we might never have to use as well. But we still have it just in case. I just want to hear a good reason why a person can’t carry handgun in wilderness.

By the way if we follow statistics guns are not really worth mentioning, outdoor pools cause more deaths than guns and mass shootings are statistically insignificant comparing to total number of deaths.

As per full auto – I really don’t see why people so afraid of it, its magic power is hugely overrated in my opinion and criminals have it anyway. Let’s not tell others about what have purpose and what’s not because If we start to ban things based on our perception of “purpose” we can ban nearly everything.


non restricted .... standard rifles generally means not tracked by the government no travel restrictions with these
restricted pistols AR15 LAR and others each sale and movement must be tracked by the government
PROHIB automatics AK pistols under 4.25 " and others lots of luck getting permits ....

I will wade into this to muddy the issue even further. Canadas gun laws are fairly robust, but they need help. FULL STOP! A non resticted firearm centerfire is restricted to a mag capacity of 5 HOWEVER if its using a magazine from a pistol it can hold 10. that means the pistol cartridge firing carbines etc. rim fires are not restricted in mag capacity UNLESS they are interchangable into a pistol(SBR) variants are considered pistols and restricted as are AR 15 type firearms. However if you have a non resricted firearm and it accepts a pistol mag you can now hold 10 RDS, legally if it says its for a pistol it LAR PLU 16 etc. Now is when it gets trick the Ruger 10/22 because it has a SBR /PISOL variant is restricted to a 10 rd mag, other 22 that are not used to produce a SBR /PISTOL variant can run 11+rd mags ie the 25 rd banana style .

Shotguns. semi auto shatguns have a mag capacity of 5 max, other action style are unlimited. However if you're hunting birds you can only have a max of 3 in the shotgun and the mags have to have a plug to ensure the max cap is 3. if you're hunting other animals and not using a shot type cartridge IE slug your ok with 5.
BUT if you're using a pump tou hunt with a solid shot (slug) you 're restricted to 5 (semi auto) or unrestricted if a pump.

Then theres the whats restricted and whats nonrestricted and whats prohibited. Ahh it all comes to weirdness here theres a base model of CZ thats nonresricted here then they decided to import a bunch with a spartens helmet and MOLAM LABE on it same except it was engraved with that and it was placed in a different catagory simply because of the engraving. .....

oh i could go on but our PM is probably going to try to impliment some weird draconian laws along with moving firearms from the non restricted classification into the higher classifications


wow... do you actually think that you one can defend oneself against a government with a hand or automatic gun? That is a joke. Seriously, to think that the citizens of these countries were killed because there was gun control is atrocious.

I am not against guns, I am against the uncontrollable sale and ownership of highly sophisticated killing tools that have no other purpose than to kill humans in DEVELOPED countries. I am a hunter and do have a weapon license, own some hunting rifles and a shot gun. I would never even think that I can use any of my weapons for self defence against other people. I live in a city where the police is seconds away. If I were living in Yukon or Northern BC or somewhere wild I would probably own a shotgun for bear defence but that would be it. I have been in some pretty remote locations in both Ontario and eastern Canada and have never needed or wish I had any weapon to defend myself or my family.
All I can say is, thank God for the way Canada is...

You just said you’re hunter, and you’re saying that your rifles and shotgun is a killing tools which have “no other purpose than to kill humans in DEVELOPED countries”. Something doesn’t add up here : ) You should have known that your rifles have some other purpose that kill humans in developed countries. And in my opinion you’re too optimistic about police, they will never come in seconds, it’s physically impossible even if you live just beside police station. I’m glad I live in Canada, but I would feel better if we were allowed to protect ourselves. Hopefully it will never be needed, but I want to have this option.

Just wondering, when you get into remote locations, do you carry bear spray and anything else “just in case”.


I can't imagine living anywhere else in the world than BC. The size, extent, and majesty of our wilderness is really second to none. If I were an American looking to relocate "close to the border" I'd be looking at Washington, Idaho, or Montana. Coincidentally, we spent this afternoon slaughtering pumpkins... an annual tradition shared with family and friends.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

trikebubble,next time you do it,try it with 1/4 lb.,fun.


You just said you're hunter, and you're saying that your rifles and shotgun is a killing tools which have “no other purpose than to kill humans in DEVELOPED countries”. Something doesn't add up here : ) You should have known that your rifles have some other purpose that kill humans in developed countries. And in my opinion you're too optimistic about police, they will never come in seconds, it's physically impossible even if you live just beside police station. I'm glad I live in Canada, but I would feel better if we were allowed to protect ourselves. Hopefully it will never be needed, but I want to have this option.

Just wondering, when you get into remote locations, do you carry bear spray and anything else “just in case”.

Hunting rifles have their place and purpose. I am against the uncontrolled sale of hand and semi/automatic black rifles. The ones that are used in all mass killings. I do have a can of bear spray that I started carrying with me when I camp with my kids.


Yes. Gun Control initially is enacted to "control" people Nasko. “Gun Control” is about power and domination, not safety or crime control and most thinking students of history know it—including left-wingers. Simply put, people that have guns dominate those that don’t. As Jefferson said:

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”

A sign that someone is not well-versed in a subject is when they can’t provide basic facts, research, or studies to back-up their assertions. Nasko has shown us all just how that’s done. History is replete with resistance forces fighting superior armed forces using only basic weapons and succeeding. I can’t imagine where Nasko received his education, but I’ll help him understand the facts that I’ve provided with handy source materials and links. I doubt that this evidence will enlighten him. Here are just a few:

To me the best example of a group of people defeating a superior military (or government force as Nasko advises) force is known as the American Revolution. Some folks might have heard of it. How could a ragtag group of patriots without military experience, methods of training, supplying, or paying an army defeat the British?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn

Indians under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse wipe out Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and much of his 7th Cavalry in 1876.

This historical event known as the Tirah Valley Revolt really solidified key concepts for me, having been to the Pakistan/Afghanistan region seven times: 1897 Revolt and Tirah Valley Operations.pdf

In 1879, the British, armed with breech-loading rifles and 76mm cannons, were beaten at the Battle of Isandlwana. One of the most devastating defeats suffered by Britain at the hands of local inhabitants (without automatic weapons, armed with spears and cowhide shields).

Afghanistan defeated the Russians even though Russia was a technologically superior country.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Pakistan had state of the art American Tanks, Artillery and Aircraft. Indian forces had primarily WW II era tanks and aircraft. Even though Pakistan had the latest weaponry, they failed in their efforts to capture Kashmir.


300 Spartans led by Leonidas, and a couple thousand other Greeks held off hundreds of thousands of Persians.

You're right, the REST of the world is moving forward by "controlling" their citizen's ability to protect themselves. Has Nasko been keeping up with what's occurring in Europe? Gun Control is rampant there and terrorists are taking advantage.

Are you saying that the information I provided is NOT factual? They are real and if you choose to not learn, then I can't help your impenetrable mind.

Studies which Nasko has NOT provided or discussed in a evidence-based manner. The facts are that Australia's and Great Britain's crime rate has increased immensely since enacting their Gun Control measures. Strict gun laws have not stopped mass killings or gun crime. While it is true that Australia has not had a mass shooting on the scale of Port Arthur since 1996, they have suffered the following: Millewa State Forest shootings, Monash University shooting, Hectorville Siege, Wedderburn, Lockart, gang and drug shootings in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, the Lindt Café and Parramatta Police Station shooting. Australia has also had mass killings in Childers (backpacker fire), the Quakers Hill nursing home fire and the Cairns mass child stabbings. To suggest that Australia’s strict laws have stopped gun crime or mass killings is ludicrous and a deceitful warping of statistics.

Here's some reading regarding Australia for you:

Here's a short video that may provide additional knowledge:

The United Kingdom is often held up as evidence of the effectiveness of gun control. After all, since 1920, the UK has experienced increasingly restrictive gun control, leading up to an almost-total ban on handguns, and even many shotguns.

And yet, the homicide rate increased for years after gun confiscation was put into effect:

View attachment 424141

The UK enacted its handgun ban in 1996. From 1990 until the ban was enacted, the homicide rate fluctuated between 10.9 and 13 homicides per million. After the ban was enacted, homicides trended up until they reached a peak of 18.0 in 2003. Since 2003, which incidentally was about the time the British government flooded the country with 20,000 more cops, the homicide rate has fallen to 11.1 in 2010. In other words, the 15-year experiment in a handgun ban has achieved absolutely nothing. Factually, Gun Control made England the most violent country in Europe.

View attachment 424145

Finally, I ask all who seek a background video on the dangers of Gun Control to view this offering:

wow... I am speechless. Take care and all the best.


trikebubble,next time you do it,try it with 1/4 lb.,fun.
I wish. As far as I know, we can't access tannerite up here. I can buy those exploding targets, which are fun when stacked 1/2 deep, but that's about it. Strange things, government regulations are.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


yes,you can.cabelas has a sale on right now.wanstalls sells online too.there is also a canadian company in richmond if i recall correctly that makes a similar product to tannerite but the name escapes me.sureshot makes one that works with rimfires as well as larger calibers ,but i found it's not as good as tannerite. i have 5 lbs. in my gun safe right now canada ammo sells kaboom binary targets.and nasko,please..********.you said you were don't approve of anybodies guns but your own.we heard you.please stop talking.
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hemifoot, I clarified a statement as I was asked. I don't care what you think about me. This is a forum and I got an opinion that is just as valuable as yours. If you do not want to hear me then do not read it or block me, the way I am blocking you, SigSense and plainjaneFJC. Take care.
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yes,you can.cabelas has a sale on right now.wanstalls sells online too.there is also a canadian company in richmond if i recall correctly that makes a similar product to tannerite but the name escapes me.sureshot makes one that works with rimfires as well as larger calibers ,but i found it's not as good as tannerite. i have 5 lbs. in my gun safe right now canada ammo sells kaboom binary targets.and nasko,please..********.you said you were don't approve of anybodies guns but your own.we heard you.please stop talking.

Seriously? Thanks for the info, I'll have to check it out. Maybe it makes up for the Ruger 10/22 25 round mags.......which I had to try to explain to my excited nephew this past weekend by the way. Yes, young nephew, you can kill 10 pumpkins in a row, swap out the little mag and continue to kill another 10....but you can't kill 25 pumpkins in a row...... ;)

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Hunting rifles have their place and purpose. I am against the uncontrolled sale of hand and semi/automatic black rifles. The ones that are used in all mass killings. I do have a can of bear spray that I started carrying with me when I camp with my kids.

Lol black rifles...typical crap. Wood stocks have killed more.


Hunting rifles have their place and purpose. I am against the uncontrolled sale of hand and semi/automatic black rifles. The ones that are used in all mass killings. I do have a can of bear spray that I started carrying with me when I camp with my kids.

Here you show your ignorance again. The facts (which seem to overwhelm you) show that in the U.S., more people die from hands/fists than by ANY kind of rifles (semi/black/pink/yellow/blue). Here's the source for your nighttime reading:

FBI’s Uniform Crime Report shows approximately twice as many people were killed with hands and fists than were killed with rifles of any kind.

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