Yetti’s Pacific North West Exploration & Expeditions Picture heavy

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
The other trail, was almost gone. Branches, twigs and foliage bent out, the opposite of the direction headed. Soil and snow disturbed, the board walkways that were so well taken care of on the other side strewn about, reclaimed by the world around me.

Snoqualmie Valley-20141214-00077.jpg

I followed the small creek, on what looked like the old trail. Wanting to see what was there, A sign was posted

Snoqualmie Valley-20141214-00070.jpg

That sign could not be made more clear, all the branches and torn up trail made sense. I think it had opened up and dumped again recently by the sign around. Some of the broken branches still showing green.

I got closer to the entrance, fascinated by it.

For almost the first time that day, i was immersed in sounds. Water gurgling, a sound like rocks splashing into a deep pond, creeks and groans,, and so much cold air rushing out of it. The rather steady sound of rock slides inside kept me awat from directly standing in front of the opening.

Thinking id like ti explore it someday, with a buddy, coms, and air meter from the other side. I cant swim,and have no desire to do so there. I have been caving, splunking, and am certified and trained for confined space rescue.

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Snoqualmie Valley-20141214-00075.jpg

Snoqualmie Valley-20141214-00078.jpg

I have always wanted to return, and see the other side of this tunnel. I have yet to do so, find my self in Seattle this week thinking maybe on my way home Saturday.

maybe better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I will, get to all the Alaska postings eventually. Once back from the remote locations I have been spending a week in Seattle, followed by a week home. In Eastern Oregon, about a 4.5 HR drive since I returned.

I will head back up to Seattle later today.

On my last return trip, I decided to go for a hike on the way home. Met a friend, and decided to hit Mirror Lake, via the PCT. About a 7 mile round trip hike. Since I'd still have a 3 hour drive after I wanted to get on the trail early.

The work week on the ship had been quite sedentary and a good hike was just what I needed. I left early, did not sleep well so walked down the gangway at about 04:30. I like Seattle way better, at night and when there is no traffic. Getting out of town took no time at all.

Made it to the meeting place a few hours early. ( I knew I would). Filled up with fuel, washed all the windows and light covers. Had a long conversation with a friendly stranger who guessed I was a fire fighter. It's a bit of a Brotherhood.

Pulled into the parking lot at country pride, where we were to meet for breakfast. I would not eat there again. Turned the truck off, seat heater on: took a nap until they opened at 6am.

After a disappointing breakfast, and rendezvous with my morning hiking buddy and her pup.

We began to make our way up the road, it was a pretty typical forest service road. Big holes, rough. The truck never noticed.

7 miles later, we were at the already busy trail head. With 4 Subaru's already there, on the still cold, icy morning.

It felt good stretching out, and getting a good climb in. Only a few others on the trail.

The trail had some icy sections, some small scrambling. Made it up in about 2ish hours. ( I'll post the route and stats)

The lake was beautiful, I had cell service and began getting tones from Dispatch about wrecks, and fog as thick as pea soup. We started the hike down.

With fog moving in quickly, I was surprised we passed 15 other groups on the way down.

I was blown away, by the 25 other subaru's squeezing in on the road and trail head.

I can't imagine what the trail would be like on a nice day. Maybe too close to Seattle still.

On the way down, more vehicles starting upo the road. On the most rough section, Honda fits, smart cars had stopped to continue by foot. I laughed, loudly and for a long time at the Ford raptor parked next to them.

The way off Snoqualmie was fine, clear until the climb up to Prossor and the rest of the way home was thick low fog.

I'll get photo"s added in a few hours. Thanks, Tapatalk and your 1 photo limit. I should probably uninstall it, at this point.

Sent from somewhere remote on my BlackBerry
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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I wished I had put the small camper on and slept there for the week, i was worried it would flag.

Turns out the guy in the Airstream did so all week with no trouble.

Turns out, PCT hikers have a sense of humor. And since its now snowing, was probably the last time this hike would be open until snow melt.

Also some pictures of the ship above, the freezers, my office, usually clean and organised. Currently getting restocked,since the other Safety Medic will be coming back, he requested to stow all the supplies personally. Rightfully so, as he is the one who will be using it.

The steering room, spotless.

and some of the lake,


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
After the whirlwind turn around from my Sunriver Triathlon contract, I had only a short time to get to somewhere named " Egegik, Alaska"

I landed on the 4th of July. After 2 long days at the Corporate office in Seattle.

Seattle-Anchorage- Anchorage-king Salmon, King Salmon to Egegik
the planes kept shrinking the further in I went.

The anchorage airport has full size bush planes hanging from the ceiling.

When I landed I in Egegik, we first had to drop another passenger off across Bristol Bay, landed right on the beach.


The planes that are small enough not only do they wag, you are rubbing elbows and knees with the Pilot. This one had a bad door, and was sucking quite a bit of air through the door seal, the Pilot pulled out a map whilst flying and stuck it to the door, it sealed.

We landed in the Egegik Airport, just a dirt strip with not much around,

I was met with a Surburban, and a bunch of incoming and outgoing mail. ( and yes, Amazon prime does ship out that far!)

It was the only rig in the lot, and the keys were in it.

Once at the facility, I did not even get to unpack, as i had patients waiting, including a very recent amputation. I saw abut 30 people that day- and it never slowed down.


That service truck, was one of my favorite vehicles in the fleet. We are not on an island- but they only access is by wings or boat.

Everything is on piers, and elevated due to the permafrost.

Thats the courtyard between the main office, my office/house, and a few bunk houses.
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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
More pictures of the Facility, rec rooms, net storage and parts of the cannery.

Also. at this point we had daylight for 22hrs/day

I will post more pictures soon, and follow up- but need to go work on the solar before the next rain storm hits. Its the part where i drill a scary hole in my perfectly good roof.

After the first few days, it kinda calmed down- but was still averaging 20pts/day. It was almost a week before I was able to tour the facility, on the inside.

Unfortunately a few more severe medical needs, as well as typical sick call things. Cough's colds, orthopedic, dental I do it all. And was also on "loan" for community members and anyone in need.

I wish I had done a journal of some sort- next will I Believe I will and post here every few days, internet permitting.


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Xena is the town dog, she does whatever she wants, when ever she wants, and owns the place. Its her town, she is also the sweetest dog.
Her laying in front of the door was the first day I got on site, it was up to us to go around.

I saw her laying on the helipad one day, when it came in she refused to move and it had to land on the road. haha Looked right at it and went back to her nap

I found that penicillin in a desk drawer..EXP Sept 1967

The entire facility is on a pier, they have almost a 30ft tidal swing. Bears love to hang out under the facility,

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic

The town cat, was a great mouser! and always helpful.....
Our Fleet,



Beauty every where

I had a few patients who came directly from the fishing boats on the dock, we had to use the crane and stokes basket to get them to us

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Most the processors at this location are Eastern European, ( Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc). Most of them are very well educated, teachers, lawyers, police, doctors even. They are unable to make enough in their home country to survive even with education.

If you arent aware, fish processing is extremely hard work, its not pleasant, working 16hrs/day 7 days a week, for 4-6 months a year. They dont get scheduled days off, these folks are amazing. I really liked this location, its my favorite so far.

One of the Ukrainian ladies I was talking to, explained what she makes here triples at home. Some come back every year, others work every other year, sustaining off of these wages.

The hourly wage is not great, in Alaska everything after 8 daily hours is OT, though.

The Heli Pad

This little guy, was a first for me. I named him " Captain Jack ", and he spent about 6 hours with me.

I was in the main office one day, when I heard someone yell " Pawley, Medic" there was also a lot of laughing so i did not think it serious.

They told me this little guy fell out of the sky landing where they were all smoking. I picked him up, joking about if i should do CPR. I figured he must of hit the power line of something.

I that maybe he broke his neck, flying into something. As i picked him up I noticed his neck and head was self supported. Looking closer someone noticed what looked like grain in his beak. You can still see a little underneath it in this image.

I flipped the tiny dude over and pushed on his stomach with a finger, ( still kinda joking, it was one of my slower days)

I could not believe it when grain came out and the tiny thing started breathing, hahaha

Best I could figure he was flying when eating and choked. As you can imagine in a camp of 300, it did not take till the next meal for it to get around.

We used captain jack ( I am the Safety Guy after all) as a campaign to not eat and walk, haha

He hung out with me, most the day, following me around, sitting on my shoulder or hand.
Those containers are massive ice makers, 1 of 3 on site.
It amazed me how many would tie together when it was low tide, to go dry.

This is Lilly, one of two office dogs. ( the world needs more office dogs) I also functioned as the site " vet" with my livestock background. She had tore her pad open, and needed wrapped.

There were two of these old Army Ducks- Someone had retrofitted them to be used as drift netters at one time.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I loved these old ducks, And took so many pictures. Crawled all over them, having so many questions about where they came from,

A little later we will get into, how much American History left out teaching us about conflicts in Alaska.




As you can Imagine, its more of our bunk houses. These two are the largest ones and the only two story ones. Each room has 4 bunks, and they have shared bathrooms and showers.

The little building on the right, with the two windows is the back of my office/ infirmary.

I continued to see patients, and learn a new industry. I had two broken ankles, coming from vessels, broken arm, broken wrist,

Broken neck, broken fingers, lots and lots of overuse repetitive injuries, 6 cases of Pneumonia from bronchitis, 100 cases of " the crud", 2 sprained ankles,

sooo many cases of athletes foot, over 100, many abscesses, and drainages, 3 ingrown toe nails, 2 fillings, just to name a few.

Something that was new to me, every building gets moth balled, drained, and winterized prior to winter- including all windows boarded up.

The nations that are brought together in these places have deep history, pain and suffering. Its never far from the surface,

This sign, was posted outside one of the bunk houses the last week of processing.

Also, please feel free to ask any questions, about anything.


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Despite the hours, and the work most are quick to smile and have a good sense of humor, which really is required in this type of location.


The airport, in all its massive Glory,

Xena- doing her thing, outside chow hall.

It was my last day on site before I was able to actually explore the town,

We began putting boats from our fleet up for the season.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I walked around town taking pictures and soaking everything in, relaxing for a little bit. The weather was pretty good for most of the contract.


The red roofs are part of our complex

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
The entire facility is supplied power from large generators that run non stop.

We had been flying out about 20 ppl a day for the last week +. The largest planes we can routinely charter in hold about 15 people, at about 10k/ flight direct.

I was able to fit a few runs in on the roughest days, which was nice.


It amazes me, how little hold these things up

The town, incinerator the surrounding fence is electrified
All around us

That Astro, was probably my favorite of the fleet vehicles with the exception of the service truck


The second office dog, Scout. She loves box's more than a cat. No box was safe, she would just crawl in and lay down.

City Airport

When I flew out, this was our ride. One of the mechanics, the electrician and I. The small one ^


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
We flew from Egegik, to King Salmon, and king Salmon to Anchorage

I had a one day respite before heading to Dutch Harbor

The airline managed to loose my luggage in King Salmon, as it got bumped for mail. I was disappointed... but no since in getting all worked up.

I did explain, i needed it as was only in town for 1 day, before an extended 60 day remote contract on the Bering. And that it could not be shipped to my home address. They offered a 500$ sum if it could not be returned in time. She was just doing her job, and was really nice. The " Gentelman" in front of me, was a monster yelling at her. Even though he was flying home, and they would mail his fishing rod to him.

I thanked her for her time, as soon as i was at the counter. Gave them my card, filled out the required paperwork, and asked worst case scenario one of the bags with medical equipment and computers had a very high replacement cost.

I decided happy go lucky would was the answer. I had my wallet, clothes on my back and a place to stay, even had rental car. Life was good.

Found a good steak house, had a good meal- and checked in at the hotel.

Met up with a CDC nurse i had met a few weeks prior for a consult in Egegik.

It was a late night, good bands and some steam blown off.

The next day I tooka drive down the turnigan arm, it was beautiful.

Meeting up with some old friends from High school, who happened to end up in Wasilla. It was great to see them, fit a hike in as well.


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I go on dog ventures, walkabouts pretty regularly when home. Today's, was foggy, it made the dam and locks seem quite haunted.

Sent from somewhere remote on my BlackBerry

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
The following morning, it was back to the airport for the next contract deployment to the famous Dutch Harbor, and our vessel the Northern Victor.

When I checked in, i was informed my luggage was found and would follow me to Dutch.

No TSA, just walk though the airport an onto the tarmac.

The flight into Dutch is notoriously rough and it did not disappoint.

Lucky for me, I was upgraded to " first Class" by the most beautiful flight attendant I have ever seen, or met. We enjoyed a nice chat on the way in.


The Northern Victor is at the end of the breakwater, Blue and White

She is very wide, the NV

My office, the Infirmary. The weather was beautiful.

It was Lucky, the gal I was covering for and I were to overlap a few days, always a good thing. She had no medical experience, within 20 mins of being on board i was treating patients. She had them ready for me, Louise and I got along great. I also took the time to teach her what I was doing, and how to do the same. In this case, infections in a foot.

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