X-bull Recovery Tracks worked great!

Got stuck a few weeks ago most of the way up Medano Pass here in Colorado. X-bull recovery tracks worked better than I could have hoped. For the money I would recommend them with a couple caveats. They do have some cracking after being run over half a dozen times. Not a lot and they're probably good for one more use. For $65 if you aren't likely to use them, throw them in your kit and forget about them till you need them.

If you're like me though and you're likely to end up stuck a few times a year I'd say go ahead and spend the $$$ on Maxxtracks. They cost 4 times as much but last through years of hard use.

Pics are of the recovery chronologically from getting stuck to beimg back on solid ground. Screenshot_20200520-161445.pngScreenshot_20200520-161428.pngScreenshot_20200520-161420.pngScreenshot_20200520-161412.pngScreenshot_20200520-161404.pngScreenshot_20200520-161357.pngScreenshot_20200520-161348.pngScreenshot_20200520-161339.png


Experience Seeker
Awesome! I've used my army green x-bull recovery boards for 3 recoveries in ~4 years: once for me, twice for others. In all cases, the boards were required as the only viable solution, and in two cases, they were paired with a recovery strap (but the boards were still necessary.)

If the only option was Maxtrax, I wouldn't own any recovery boards, because I wouldn't have seen the value. Now that I've used my x-bull boards with great success, I might consider Maxtrax when the X-bulls need replacing.

BTW, I travel solo quite often, so I carry 4 X-bull boards. 3 of the 3 times I've used them, I needed all 4, and in 2 cases, a couple more boards would've been helpful, so keep that in mind.


Lunchbox Lockers
I bet the cracking would be less of an issue in warmer weather. Those who get stuck in the summer may get more use out of them ?

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