WTB: Moby1 XTR and/or Go Fast Camper for Ram 1500


New member
...been on the hunt for a used version of both for a while now. The Mobys come and go quickly and there just aren't very many GFCs out there. Let me know if you're wanting to part with either. Thanks


Most cars don't have stepside fenders anymore. They have wheel wells. Fenders on trailers are a waste of space only used to make them cheaper. Imagine a extra 1.5' of box width on that trailer. Id gladly give up the step for more interior space with the same wheel track width. .
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New member
Not to steal the thread, but I am also interested in a Moby XTR. Please PM with details if things with spider fall through.


New member

Are you getting ready to get in line for a GFC Camper ( https://gofastcampers.com/pages/camper-landing )? If so, here's your chance to move up the waiting list at no cost to you.

I put my $575 deposit down on a GFC Camper back in December 2018. The Camper no longer makes sense for me so I'm offering up my spot on the waiting list. I'm not looking to make any money on the deal - just want to get my deposit back. I'm #457 (out of 677 currently) on the Go Fast Camper (GFC) "Leaderboard" for a new Camper ( https://gofastcampers.com/pages/leaderboard ). I've been in contact with GFC and they say transferring my spot is no problem (will send you GFC emails if interested and can confirm with them again w/ you in the loop if you're serious). At the rate they're producing Campers this could save you up to 10 months of wait time. The deposit would be applied to the full purchase price and you would still be able to configure the Camper to your specs (mid-size vs. full size, color, window, etc). Let me know if you're interested and we can figure out the transfer.


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