Would you buy and build a Gen 1 4Runner with a 22re and a AUTO?


My X wife got my Mint 87 4runner (22re, 5 speed) and I got the 03 double cab taco 4x4:mad:. OK OK I might have gotten the better end of the deal :victory: but I really do miss my runner and had big build plans for it. :Mechanic: Every offer I have given to buy it back from her gets :ar15: shot down, even though she hasn't driven it in a year. I guess spite is a womans best friend.
Now to the QUESTION:
I have a chance to buy a good condition 88 runner with a good 22re and a bad A340F automatic tranny and a parts 88 runner with a blown v6 and a good Auto tranny but not so pretty body. Does any on think the auto tranny is worthy for building or should I save my pennies and find another 5 speed 4Runner to build instead? By the way the price is $1500 for both. I just have always favored the 5 speed. What would you guys do? :coffee:


You could go ahead and buy them, part one out, and use the money to build the other how you want it.......with the 5 speed.

Since you have owned a runner with the 22re you know very well how your power is going to be. I personally would not want to run a 22re with an auto if I was planning on building it. I actually just passed up a very nice 3rd gen pickup with the 22re auto combo simply because of the trans.

***Edit: A turbo would be an option for the hwy if you really want the auto.
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buy both, part one out and use the proceeds to buy a 5 spd + whatever parts you need for the conversion from your local junkyard


build the 03 and don't get sidetracked by old junk:sombrero:

sorry but a turboed 22re strapped to a loaded expedition rig - via transmission fluid, is like making an appointment with your local scrapyard.

But after the 03 is done, you should certainly get a turbo 22re runner to have as a fun daily driver/trail truck


sorry but a turboed 22re strapped to a loaded expedition rig - via transmission fluid, is like making an appointment with your local scrapyard.

Totally agree, just throwing it out there as an option since the 22re and auto will have a rough time on the hwy.

As far as building "old junk". A lot of that old junk is tougher than the new junk out. The 03 double cab would be nice setup though.


As far as building "old junk". A lot of that old junk is tougher than the new junk out.

Oh yes, I know! I used to drive a 1976 corolla SR5 coupe with a 5spd. 270,000 miles.

It consumed a few dozen sparkplugs, a couple caps, wires and rotors, A belt or two, 3 or 4 batteries, and the alternator, driveline, and starter are due for a rebuild. I think it can run forever because it lacks the compression and power to harm itself any further:)


Oh yes, I know! I used to drive a 1976 corolla SR5 coupe with a 5spd. 270,000 miles.

It consumed a few dozen sparkplugs, a couple caps, wires and rotors, A belt or two, 3 or 4 batteries, and the alternator, driveline, and starter are due for a rebuild. I think it can run forever because it lacks the compression and power to harm itself any further:)

That is Toyota's secret to longevity.

Cackalak Han

I think it'd be cheaper to have a friend "buy" that 4Runner from your wife, which he sells right to you. Treat your friend to dinner or a few $$.


Without a doubt, YES! I had an Auto in my 87 crawler and loved every minute of it. My current rig is an AUTO, and the one I am gettign tommorrow is an AUTO, no question, without a doubt, yes.


I think it'd be cheaper to have a friend "buy" that 4Runner from your wife, which he sells right to you. Treat your friend to dinner or a few $$.

This right here.

As far as the auto, when I was looking for my rig (1st gen yota truck) I drove a few autos, and from someone who had never owned a manual car (drove many but never bought one) I couldn't do it. I don't think that its the fact that its an automatic, but the fact that its a 4 speed that kills it. If toyota had built a 5 speed auto tranny then I think that many of the shortcomings wouldn't be there. However for everything from daily driving, to hauling, to off roading, I really think the 5 speed is superior. The only reason I would suggest an auto is for someone who was couldn't drive a stick, had no desire to learn, and was going to use the truck as a grocery getter exclusively.


New member
I've had 4 cyl toyotas w/ the 5 speed, and decided to sell the 2 that I had to build a more streetable DD/wheeler. I came across a reeeeally clean '86 w/ the auto and 22re, and snatched it up. I drove it for 6 months bone stock and didn't mind the auto too much. Definitely not a racecar, but it got the job done. Well, I pulled it into the shop to re-do the rear suspension, and a year and a half later, about a month ago, i finally pulled it out of the shop w/ a RUF SAS, chevy 63's in the rear on 35's. (flexy!) I'm still running the auto, now w/ 5.29 gearing in the axles, and with the 35's, I'm AMAZED at how well it drives and handles. The suspension is soft, but I have no problems cruising the freeway holding the wheel with 2 fingers. The best part?? W/ the gear and tire combo I'm getting better mpg's than I was before with the stock equipment. before: 18-20 mpg, and now: 21-23 mpg, AND it seems to actually do better on the freeway than it did before! -Even FULL of camping gear! the 5.29/35's combo is PERFECT, IMO!! It will cruise between 60 and 70 all day long with the A/C blasting! (the a/c was another factor in buying this 'runner because my wife likes to not be hot and sweaty!) If I have a strong headwind or am going up a big hill, I just turn off the overdrive and cruise at 60, but otherwise it does great! And I'm actually pretty impressed with the acceleration when i really need to merge into traffic or something.

I had it in my head that I'd swap out the auto for a 5 speed, but now I'm not so sure. I'm really diggin' it. And, the auto t case has lower gearing (2.63 I think) than the 2.23 of the geared cases, so it'll do a little better in that sense than a stock geared case.

The only thing that I will probably never do that I would do with a 5 speed is haul any kind of trailer. Even a light one I think would stress the auto tranny a little too much. With the 5 speed, you're a little safer there.

I say buy it, run it, and if you don't like it, then swap out the tranny stuff.


Expedition Leader
Yes... I'd buy it, and then swap in a Marlin built R-series Manual. I WOULDN'T run the auto for a million bucks. I don't like slush-boxes to begin wityh but a 22RE with one behind it is a real dog IMO. Still, these 1st Gen'sa are getting rare'r and rare'r by the year so if you find one in good shape, get it. They really are me3ant to be built and swaped around like Lego's. Happy hunting mate.




Whatever you do build a pop-up camper into the removable top somehow. I have been waiting to see one.

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