Wiring For Dummies?

Ovrlnd Rd

I'm getting started on my expedition trailer build and I've got more than a few questions regarding wiring. Setting the actual trailer up is no problem. I've been doing automotive wiring on cars since well before I could drive them so lights, brakes, etc is no big deal. What I have no clue about is wiring everything for the inside of the trailer. Running wire between a fuse box and the battery is one thing, setting up a solar controller, invertor, dual batteries, water pump, heater, etc is something different. I have no doubt I can do it just need a little guidance on what goes where.

Here are a couple of pics I've snagged from other threads of what I'm looking to do (primarily the control center stuff).


Ovrlnd Rd

You'll have to ask the questions before you'll get the answers. :)

What goes where? (I'm sure there's a "that's what she said" joke in there) :)

Basically what I want to figure out is what gets wired in what sequence. Solar controller has the line in then to breaker then to where? Battery shut off I think I can figure out but how do dual batts get wired together and where specifically should the line in from the tow vehicle go? And what do I need between that line and the batts? Should the interior all be run off the invertor or split between AC and DC loads? Or DC only and the invertor just there in case I want to plug a toaster in? What questions don't I know that need asking?


Start with the diagram in the in the "cheap dual batteries" thread. Not the 1st one, the improved one around page 3-5. It has almost all your answers. Just eliminate the vehicle battery side. I actually printed it out and doodled on it.


Tail-End Charlie
Well, to begin with, a basic idea of the general layout...


If you look at the first pic you posted, you can see that the solar is feeding into the fuse box via the top right 10a fuse. That's one way. Or you could just wire it straight to the battery, but you'll still need to rig a fuse or breaker somehow.

Ovrlnd Rd

Thanks dwh! That's the basic info I was looking for. Once I get things started off of that I'll be back for some more specific ideas. I already have the fuse module and the solar controller will be here next week so I may be able to start crimping wires together real soon.


Tail-End Charlie
Only thing I see in that pic that could be a bit confusing or lead to a problem...

The inverter feeds the AC breaker panel. The converter/charger does NOT get power from the AC breaker panel. It gets power from shore/generator.

If the inverter drew power from the battery and fed the AC breaker panel, and the converter/charger drew power from the AC breaker panel, it would be a loop pulling power out of the battery and feeding it right back in, which would just end up being a constant discharge of the battery.

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