Why is what you eat important?


Expedition Leader
Several months ago I kept getting the occasional dizzy and shakey spells. They were very sporadic and they would last for a few minutes to an hour. Well, they started coming more frequently, and would last for longer amounts of time, until about a month and a half ago the dizziness and the shakes lasted for over two days, and it was bad enough and I was faint enough that I could hardly function. Needless to say, It was getting to the point where it was really concerning me. I went to visit my doctor. This was actually a good thing because when I went to see my doctor I was still dizzy and shakey. When the nurse took my blood pressure it was through the roof. Apparently, when the spells hit me I did not look very good, and with the added high blood pressure my doctor was concerned. She sent me the next morning for blood work (she could not send me the day of the initial visit because I had eaten a few hours before). I go in early the next morning to get poked and jabbed by the Phlebotomist (she was pretty rough and left a huge bruise on my arm) before work. By the end of the day I got a call back form my doctors office asking me to come in as soon as I could. So, the next afternoon I am sitting in my doctors office and she is looking over my chart. She looks up at me and says that I have some problems and that I need to address them right away or things will get worse. First, she tells me that my LDL cholesterol is hovering well above the 200 mark which is dangerous and I need to address it immediately. I was not very surprised by this as high cholesterol is very common in my family. Then she tells me that my blood sugar is also high, sitting above 110, and that this is more than likely the cause of my spells. She tells me that this is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. She does not want to put me on cholesterol medication due to the pre-diabetic condition, and that with a healthy diet and some mild exercise I should be able to get it under control. She gives me some tips and advice and a list of stuff that I cannot eat anymore. Well, for those of you that know me, I am not the most physically fit person and I could stand to lose a few pounds. So, with my doctor telling me that if I keep going the way I have been going I will just get worse and could end up with a list of other problems, I decided that it was time to do something. So, I jump on the internet (what can you not find on the internet these days?) and start researching diets for high cholesterol and diabetes. Well, as it turns out, these two diets are basically the same. Simple enough. So, I go home and start clearing our my fridge of stuff that I can no longer eat. I then go to the grocery store and buy artificial sweetener for my morning coffee, 1% milk ( I know, I should be doing skim milk, but I can not tolerate skim milk), fresh veggies, etc. I then run to Costco and stock up on skinless chicken breasts, and seafood of all varieties, and go home with my new diet food. I am counting calories now, and with recipies from various diabetic web sites I am eating much healthier.

The moral to this story is, with the change in my diet and watching the number of calories I consume each day (1,500 to 2,000(there were days when I would consume close to that number just for lunch)) along with walking briskly for 30 minutes a day I am feeling great. I have lost 10 pounds and am finding that I am not as tired as I used to be. I have more energy and I have not had one of my dizzy spells since the first week of starting the new diet. Now, there are a couple of times when I have slipped on this diet, but it is only for a meal or two on one day out of a week. So, if you are out there and not concerned about what you are eating, take warning. I used to not care about what I eat, I am a foodie, I love food and will try almost anything. I never really cared about what I ate before, or how much of it. I do miss some things, like fresh Irish butter and a good rib eye steak, but I am finding that eating healthy is not that limiting and it still tastes good too. I guess it doesn't hurt that I do like my veggies too. Now, I am just eating more of them.

I just wanted to share with you all. Thanks for listening. I am going back to the doctor in a few more weeks to have my blood drawn again to see where by blood sugar level is at.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Glad to know that you are on your way to getting the problem solved!


That's great Aaron! Have you cut back on the smoking? I am not here to nag at you..........I was just wondering and concerned.



I had just finished a fried bologna and egg sandwich when I read this. Typical guy like me, wait until you're almost dead before going to the doctor. Glad you've got it under control.


Glamping Society
Wow! Take care of yourself man! You have nothing if you don't have your health!

Good luck and stay strong...a fun new chapter in your life begins!


Expedition Leader
good job. i made a similar life change close to 10 yrs ago and since cutting out many things i am no longer having problems. i didnt loose any weight but in keeping up with my doctor and regular checks i am a very fit fat guy. part of the large-n-fit population out there. :victory:

i am now cutting back on meat, especially red meat and doing alot more vegetarian type eating, im not going full vege though. there are some great tasting vegetarian recipes out there and i'm not missing meat when i eat those dishes. we just made some awesome black bean enchiladas.

i dont do artificial sweetener stuff though, and i dont do the reduced fat or no fat stuff, i just use in moderation and make sure my fats are from good sources.

keep it up and remember you dont have to be athletic to be healthy, just be active and eat well.


Expedition Leader
I had a similar medical twice before...no so much diabetes but high blood pressure and high colesterol..

eating wise diet change was fine............the wine and cuba libres

well to date I've still not been able to knock that one off my list,

Any one who listens and learns deserves credit !!!!

me.....I have a genetic dificiency for alcohol.........irish decent:snorkel:


Good work sticking with it - this may help a bit.

Do you have milk delivery in your area? In mine we are lucky to have two to choose from - we get organic, fresh from the farm milk delivered to our house twice per week, and I swear I can't tell that it's skim. Like you, I can't handle the "blue milk" that skim from the store becomes.

Might be worth looking into - a couple extra bucks a month for good milk on your cheerios is a small price to pay, you're probably saving that much in fast food costs anyway.

Good work again, and good luck!


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I was more telling this story so other people will hopefully learn from my mistakes. I am finding it a bit more pricey at the grocery store to eat healthier, but it is not killing the budget. I think I'm going to stick with this one, I am feeling really good for basically just changing my diet. The best I have felt in years.

UK4X4, I know, backing off the bottle is tough, it is in my blood too. I'm of German descent. I have not quit drinking, but I have cut back to having a drink or two every week and a half or so. Jacki has been very beneficial here as she does not drink very often.

Rex, I know you are not nagging. Last week I was really stressed, and since alcohol consumption has been cut way down my smoking went up a bit. I am bringing that back down this week, and in the next couple of weeks I am going to try another program to quit. I have never had the challenge like quitting smoking before.


I drink skim mikk all the time and think it tastes fine. What's your problem with skim milk?

I commend you on the diet. I have a terrible diet and have been told pretty much the same thing as your doctor. I do good on the diet thing for about a week then I drive by Luke's in 16th street and Indian School or Carolina's on Mohave or A&J BBQ on 16th Street or the Fry Bead place on Indian School you see where i'm going with this???

I just love food.

I guess the only thing to do is bump up the 'ol life insurance policy, eh?

When I DO try to diet, I like to go to Fresh and Easy or Sprouts. Great stuff, but you spend x2 you normally would at say Fry's (Kroger). So the money is kind of discouraging.

Not one "healthy" thing per se on any dollar menus. OF course you can argue a simple plain Hamburger is healty. At least health"IER" than other things on the menu.

But I can't just order one hamburger... without the LARGE Coke, LARGE fries and Apple Pie!!!
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2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
I drink skim mikk all the time and think it tastes fine. What's your problem with skim milk?

I don't mean to jest in a very serious thread, but you have tried good ol whole milk that you have to shake before you drink it, right?

Good on ya Aaron. I had a reverse situation years ago where my heart rate was abnormally high, high blood pressure and cholesterol, I was just eating crap for food. Long story short, after meeting my midwestern wife who cooks-on-cast and bakes and never-in-the-mic with nothing but butter, cream (you get the point) yet drastically limited my intake I have knock-on-wood reversed it through just plain, simple, good real foods.

It is hard to beat eating to which we rightfully are so drawn.
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2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Excellent work by you & your doctor staying away from the Medication Roller Coaster. It really bugs me to see folks come into the hospital taking a boatload of meds when some honest diet/lifestyle changes could have made the same difference.

Of course the years are catching up with me and I know my love of sweets and general dislike of greens will become more & more of a problem. But my wife is a super healthy eater so I hope she can help me.


Again... What's the deal with Milk? I think skim tastes pretty much the same as 1% or 2%. Now whole milk I guess is a different story but dont remember it being so thick I have to shake it.

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