Who Still uses cast iron while traveling?


I have a nice, thick, 15" frying pan with 2" sides on it, it's fantastic. Made a deep-dish pizza in it one trip. I like it because it heats up and holds it well. Cook bacon, turn the heat almost off, and do your eggs on the residual heat/grease. :D When camping by vehicle, I usually don't worry too much about the added weight of minor luxuries like that.


Wood Burner
I have a nice, thick, 15" frying pan with 2" sides on it, it's fantastic. Made a deep-dish pizza in it one trip. I like it because it heats up and holds it well. Cook bacon, turn the heat almost off, and do your eggs on the residual heat/grease. :D When camping by vehicle, I usually don't worry too much about the added weight of minor luxuries like that.

Exactly same with the Rome pie irons nothing like a HOT ham and cheese sammie on the trail...


Typically a CI griddle. But old Revere Ware for pans and pots. I'd like a CI dutch over however, just don't have one yet.
I bring one or two cast iron pans, depending on what I am planning to cook. If seasoned correctly, they are so easy to clean. Usually just wipe down with a few paper towels and ready to go for the next meal. I currently have a 6 inch skillet I use for a few eggs, a 12 inch skillet (easily my most versatile piece of cooking equipment), and a CI square grill pan. I haven't gotten into the dutch oven thing yet, but I plan to add that to the rotation at some point. You can do so much with a dutch oven...the recipes just seem to be a little more involved than what I typically pull off with just a skillet.

Square Cast Iron Grill Pan


We bring two cast iron dutch ovens, one with legs and one without. Very versatile and as others have said, once seasoned and used a bit they're as easy to clean as teflon stuff.

Jerry Ward

We travel with 2 cast iron cooking implements; a 12" dutch oven and an 8" skillet. They've been with us for going on 20 years and have become like old friends. Heck, we use'em in our home kitchen and backyard fire pit on a near daily basis when not in the field. Hard to beat...

OCD Overland

I think we have four or five pieces of cast iron here at the house and depending on the planned menu, we'll take two or three with us. They fit well on the floor in the back, stuffed under the front seats, so they sort of have their own spot, don't take up any space that we need for anything else, and aren't likely to hit anyone in the head in an accident.


Seriously, I never go camping without cast iron. It's just the way that I cook and bake.

Three rocks to hold the pan over the coals and it's hot biscuits for breakfast.



Pan is still hot, so throw in the bacon!


Chicken pot pie on a cold evening was really good.


Ok, so I'm a bit of a cast iron addict.


Chazz Layne

You can have my cast iron when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. :chef:

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They're our go-to at home as well as in camp. In the Subaru I always find a way to take at least one frying pan. In the Discovery...well...I have this box that fits everything in the above photo. :D


While I agree that cast iron pans are awesome, especially dutch ovens, there is something similar that is better. Steel frying pans are great, and lighter and less fragile than cast iron with the same great non-stick properties when seasoned.

Here are some Lodge steel pans and some DeBuyer pans for your consideration. I take the DeBuyer 12 inch on every trip.



Biggest problem I've found with steel pans especially over a gas or open flame is that they tend to warp and then become useless.

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