What HT do you carry backcountry/adventuring?


The title pretty much states it all. I'm just curious what people are using and are happy with.

I now have a Tera TR-590 as well as a Yaesu VX-7R. While I have not done a full comparison yet, I'm noticing that the Tera does a MUCH better job receiving the NOAA weather frequencies. The Tera is definitely not as well built as the Yaesu and was something that I was going to consider as my 2nd string radio, but the Tera will bring in a perfectly clear NOAA signal while the Yaesu sitting next to it is silent. While I understand that this shouldn't be the only measure of an amateur radio, and Yaesu gives a disclaimer on what bands they guarantee the radio will perform on (the WX freqs. are not included), getting an update on changing weather is something that is fairly important to me. I was surprised by this difference in receiving performance considering the Yaesu has a dedicated memory bank and shortcut keys for the NOAA weather stations that seem to be part of the firmware.

After poking around a little, it seems that Kenwoods may do NOAA frequencies better than Yaesu in general, not sure about Icom. This has me questioning if I should consider swapping the Yaesu for something different that suits my needs better. I have never loved the VX-7R menus and the finicky programming connection.

And before anyone makes the comment - no, I'm not going to carry any type of dedicated WX radio if the solution is simply a different/better HT. This is something that will be going into a backpack and hauled up the side of a mountain, so ounces count.

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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
I've got a VX-7R, never really found it lacking for receiving NOAA. Are you using the stock antenna they included?


I've got a VX-7R, never really found it lacking for receiving NOAA. Are you using the stock antenna they included?

The VX-7R is using the factory rubber duck AND a telescopic Smiley Tri-Band antenna with a SMA-to-BNC adapter. The Tera is using the factory rubber duck. I notice that the Tera antenna has a wider range in the 2M band. Is this a matter of trying a different antenna, like one of these "commercial" specific options tuned to 160 or 165 MHz?

I have a BNC adapter coming for the Tera radio so I can do an apples-to-apples comparison with the Smiley antenna on both radios.
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Those long telescopic antennas are murder on BNC and those small SMA connectors. While yes you may notice some increased signal strength it comes with a cost to eventually strain damage to the connectors.

I carry an old solid metal cased Yaesu FT-530. Some of the older hams will recognize this tank. Yes it is bigger than radios today and heavier but I don't think you will find a more rugged radio. Mine has taken a fall from 30 feet up a firetower, hit two steps on the way down, landed face down in the mud, wiped it off and still works just like new.

Now question for those of you that have the off brand radios that can generally be programmed with any VHF or UHF frequency using CHIRP. Have you managed to set up FRS and GMRS frequencies?


New member
When I go backcountry skiing (winter) or hiking (summer) I take my Baofeng, as I don't care if it gets wet and / or destroyed. I have a mobile Icom mounted in the Jeep. The Icom is a lot nicer.


The VX7, VX8 and FT1 series radios are popular with the SOTA crowd due to size and weight. All are made by Yaesu and the main differences are the bands and modes you might want to use.


I'm a big fan of Kenwood's mobiles, and the TH-D74A looks like an amazing HT, but for my purposes I decided to go with a Yaesu VX-8DR with the external speaker/mic and GPS receiver, I like the size and ruggedness of the Yaesu, although it lacks the features of similarly priced modern HT's. One thing to consider, it is not very easy to remember how to use in the field.


I just wanted to give an update to this thread despite it being older...

I've got a VX-7R, never really found it lacking for receiving NOAA. Are you using the stock antenna they included?

I discovered that the filters in my VX-7R were failing. I called Yaesu, ordered 2 new filters ($8 of shipping cost more than the 2 filters), ordered some better soldering equipment, then replaced the filters myself. It was a tedious task, but the radio works like new again! Apparently failed filters in Yaesu radios is a common thing.

Now question for those of you that have the off brand radios that can generally be programmed with any VHF or UHF frequency using CHIRP. Have you managed to set up FRS and GMRS frequencies?

Yes and no. You have to check the CHIRP website for supported models: https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home. The new TERA radios are not supported, many of the Baofengs are. And before the radio police comment, just so you know, transmitting on FRS or GMRS from a Baofeng is not legal in the USA.

Mtn Mike

When I really need reliability while hiking, biking, or skiing in the backcountry I use my Icom ID-51A with a BNC connector and one of several antenna combinations.

When I'm just messing around and not too far from the truck or from civilization, I have several Beofengs which I could care less if I lose or if someone takes.

In the truck I have an Icom F-5021 50 watt commercial VHF radio.

In my travel trailer I have an Icom 706 mkii HF/VHF rig, and an Alinco 135 VHF.


Expedition Leader
I carry a Wouxun KG-UV2D or Motorola HT1250 , my son a Wouxun KG-UV2D or Yaesu VX-7R. Everyday carry for me is an Icom F50V.

The Avalanche has a Yaesu FT-8800R set up so we can crossband repeat with the UHF capable portables (Wouxun - Yaesu). We use those when hiking the remote canyons.

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