What do you use for a truck gun?


Expedition Leader
I wonder how many are still in the seat pan, versus how many have gone out the front gate in the trunk of some airman’s car.

Having carried the M14 and M16 in Vietnam, I have no need for a weapon like that.
other than losing a few hundred fps, its basically an m16.


Expedition Leader
Glock makes a factory lanyard insert insert but it's hard to find. It'd probably be easiest to just call them when all this mess is over.


Yea my G22 3rd gen came to me third hand. Don't get me wrong great piece, I like it alot. But I did just take my Buck Mark to the range today.Nice very nice handling . First shoot with it today 25yds about a hand span group with each mag. then I broke out my Ruger Precision .22LR... It promises great things, once my bipod arrives( and warm weather, did I mention theres still alot of ice and snow around where I live).
I’ve had a Glock 19 for a year now and I’m real happy with it. I don’t go around expecting trouble but it’s good to be prepared. Just this morning I sighted in a new Henry Lever Action 30-30. I decided I needed more distance then the a Glock gives me. My off roading is centered around fly fishing and several weeks ago I woke to mountain lion tracks around the edge of camp. In another location several hundred miles away but also one of my fishing and camping spots another fisherman woke in the night when his dogs wouldn’t settle down. He was sleeping in the back of his truck inside a shell. He looked out the window to see a mountain lion right there looking back. This, and the fact that Fish and Game had to put a mountain lion down in a small town near here when it showed no fear of people and wouldn’t leave town, helped me decide on getting a rifle.


A light 30-30 load should be a good choice for mountain lion. I hear back in the day ML hunts were done with 22s... I've got my eye on a 357 Henry or a 30-30 mossberg, both in stainless.


Kapitis Indagatoris
A light 30-30 load should be a good choice for mountain lion. I hear back in the day ML hunts were done with 22s... I've got my eye on a 357 Henry or a 30-30 mossberg, both in stainless.

We have a number of large kitty kats roaming our property.....I’m pretty sure shooting one with a .22 would just cause them to come inside and kick my a@#$.......and take my guns....

I wear a size 12 boot, this one is a small compared to the ones that I have on the game cam.


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I certainly agree, if I were to go hunting for any big cat I would be carrying something with more punch. People down here in TX like to hunt wild pigs with spears and knives, but you wont find me engaging in that either! 20g buck would be my most likely choice given my inventory, but I'm sure there are better options out there for a mountain lion.

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