What Do You Dislike About Your JK

one thing butnot sure how much 100% overlanders run into this, the weakness of front axle tubes there are multiple fix attempts via sleeves/trusses but the issue is thin walled tubes


I hate the rear seat headrests. Have to fold the seats forward to be able to hold the headrest back in order to get a child's car seat to sit flush with the seat back. It's a big PITA.

Exterior plastics that don't fade in 12 months

Payload sucks

Fuel capacity could stand another few gallons

It'd be nice if my hood didn't look like it were about to fly away when a large truck passes the other way

If the carpets didn't stink from mildew I could live with the leaks

Interior lighting sucks

Needs a 5k tow capacity

The defroster needs vents closer to the edges of the windshield so snow doesn't build up at the end of the wipers travel

Rear window wiper motor could be designed to where it's not mounted to the glass causing a big blind spot in an already small window

Engine, tranny, headlights suck but that's very obvious


I hate the rear seat headrests. Have to fold the seats forward to be able to hold the headrest back in order to get a child's car seat to sit flush with the seat back. It's a big PITA.

Exterior plastics that don't fade in 12 months

Payload sucks

Fuel capacity could stand another few gallons

It'd be nice if my hood didn't look like it were about to fly away when a large truck passes the other way

If the carpets didn't stink from mildew I could live with the leaks

Interior lighting sucks

Needs a 5k tow capacity

The defroster needs vents closer to the edges of the windshield so snow doesn't build up at the end of the wipers travel

Rear window wiper motor could be designed to where it's not mounted to the glass causing a big blind spot in an already small window

Engine, tranny, headlights suck but that's very obvious

So...what do you like about your JK? :D


I really like the idea of it, just not so much the execution of it... :costumed-smiley-007 My sons LJ seems to be of a better build quality than my JK but the simplicity of it vs mine plays a big role in that thought.

Being that mines a 2010 I realize that the newer models have addressed some of my quirks but I usually keep vehicles for at least 150k miles and I realize that this one in particular doesn't suit my wants for future uses. The drivability of it is my main issue as I live 3 hours from my nearest "escape" and this thing when loaded with 5 of us and a weekends gear is painful to keep up with traffic. Just keep with it, not be the fastest nor the one who gets flicked off by passer by's because I've backed up traffic a mile...

I do thoroughly enjoy it when I've arrived at my destination though.

For what we pay for them, some of these issues are unacceptable in my opinion. Water leaks whether it's the hard or soft top, faded fenders within a year, warped plastic grills, sub par defrosters etc just should not be issue.

I am eagerly awaiting the release of the next model though I must say. I do feel like there will be significant improvements all around but probably also some that will be a step in the wrong direction.


New member
I guess I'm lucky, or not picky.

It's a brick, on solid axles, and 4wd - mileage is going to suck. Just wish my '09 had a Pentastar; the old 3.8L is a tired motor. If they put a small diesel in it, I'd trade mine tomorrow.

It goes anywhere I want to go, just a little slower than I'd like.

Never had a problem with the hardtop leaking. The factory headlights are a little weak. The subwoofer takes up valuable space, but I'm looking at relocation options so I can build some drawers.

It's like an adult Lego set - we can swap out parts, add new ones, pull parts off. I've never kept a vehicle longer than 5 years, but I have no desire to get rid of my JK. Going to keep this one forever.


I can solve your interior lighting problems...I put these in my 4 door and OMG you can actually read a map and see stuff now. Next upgrade on my lighting is the headlights to the KC ones.



LEDs do help, l swapped to putco's about a year ago. But, they dropped the map lights on the rear view and the footwell lighting that the LJ/TJ? has. Granted they are not very bright in the LJ but at least in the proper places.

The KC's are nice BTW. Not as good as the current JW's but they are close to half the price also.


I will preface by saying I love my Jeep.


1. Payload. No two ways about it. It sucks.

2. Factory door hinges. Aluminum against steel with nothing in between = corrosion. Eventually this will happen on every. Single. JK. My 2012 is already showing bubbling on the hinges.

3. This opinion will likely not be popular. I wish it had regular doors, and a regular integrated roof with proper insulation and sound deadening materials.

4. Jeep could easily have made a shelf in the rear cargo area to assist with space usage. They decided not to, making the trunk much less useful until a shelf is installed.

5. No heated steering wheel option. I live in Canada and I hate the cold.

Haters can stand down. Yes I know I bought a Jeep, and I knew what I was getting when I purchased it. I still have no regrets. For what I wanted, it was the best north American option available. That doesn't mean it is perfect.

Edit: Headlights also suck.

I second this. Have actually wondered about different options.


Just remove it permanently - you can buy the JKU-Sport side trim place and have it gone for ~$100. The wiring for the 12v outlet is in place for all JKU's btw.. you can redo it at last as well as it is from the factory (it cannot support a fridge)

Odd... my 2012 has been running my fridge with no issues for the last 2 years...


Odd... my 2012 has been running my fridge with no issues for the last 2 years...
Good for you... looking at how thin the wires are, i'm surprised it can support that much load.. Although if you keep it on all the time, i doubt it cycles much which helps smooth out the load.

There have been many reports of off/on performance with that socket and fridges. If it ain't broke, keep on going. :)


Stuck in the Mud
Reverse on the manual needs to be lower. I really dislike backing up an incline in 2hi, particularly with my trailer attached. I dislike it enough that I am looking for ways to be able to have a 2lo option on my Jeep. So far, I've found that either an Atlas transfer case or a new front axle with manual hubs seems to be my only options.

I don't like the black interior color. It shows massive amounts of dirt.

Other than that, I'm pretty happy.

Just FYI, for the Rubicon T case, Teraflex has a 2-Lo kit.


I hate how people are always looking at me when I'm driving the jeep. It also sucks having to answer peoples questions about the jeep while I'm filling up. :sombrero:

In all seriousness, it doesn't handle as well as my daily driver, or get as good of gas milage as my wife's diesel x5, but it is more fun to drive than both!

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