What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?




Installed a new cargo area floor so that I could mount up an ARB fridge slide. The floor replaces an all-weather mat and OEM storage cubby cover. I also removed the OEM sub as it's placement always bothered me. I honestly can't tell the difference with it gone.

I made it from 1/2" birch plywood with 11/16" supports/spacers to even everything out underneath. Added a small hinged door on the right side so I can access stuff in the storage cubby. Everything is attached with stainless hardware to the OEM d-ring locations. Rattle canned black, matte clear-coated, then covered top with outdoor carpet from Home Depot. It's a really good match for the OEM carpet. I kept a few inches open to the left of the slider so I can store a 100W solar suitcase upright while on the move.

hatch closed:

hatch open:

Great job, I like it!!
Made a major score IMO. Found 4-17" Moabs with 265/70 Falkens about 50% tread on CL for 100 bucks. Went to pick them up and the guy says. " I also have a matching 5th for a spare with a new goodyear tire on it for an extra $25." So I got 5 rims with tires for $125. I couldn't believe it. The add was up for 2 weeks. How did these not sell immediately. Rims are pretty much perfect. Anything you see is either some snow or ice on them.



I think I need a bigger truck!
Made a major score IMO. Found 4-17" Moabs with 265/70 Falkens about 50% tread on CL for 100 bucks. Went to pick them up and the guy says. " I also have a matching 5th for a spare with a new goodyear tire on it for an extra $25." So I got 5 rims with tires for $125. I couldn't believe it. The add was up for 2 weeks. How did these not sell immediately. Rims are pretty much perfect. Anything you see is either some snow or ice on them.

Sweet deal.


Well it is snowed in, but having odd issues.. ABS/Traction control light has been staying on so I took a gamble and replace all wheel sensors. That was the cheapest solution, dealer wanted $200 to read the code. Lights did not go away, ended up getting the codes read at Midas they said all 4 ABS sensors (which I replaced before they read the code) low voltage and steering angle indicator, aka clock spring. so I ordered a clock spring, the day it was delivered the lights went away my luck well now they are back on. So I went to start the swap process, removed the negative battery cables and when I opened the door the interior lights came on... ******, checked the cables again they were off. So I don't know if I have a short to ground, or it the interior lights are grounded at the housing I have asked around no one knows.

Monday I can get my Jeep back into a shop bay and work on it some more try to find out what is going on. With the battery cable disconnected the only thing that still worked was interior lights, also my OEM wiring harness has not been cut into or altered in any way.


For the lights to be on while the ground is off the battery I see no other way but the lights being grounded in there housing.

Do the problems only occur when there is snow on the ground? Maybe snow packing in or screwing with the wheel speed sensors?
Not sure how the steering angle indicator works but could a bad alignment cause an issue with it?


Alignment is perfect, string wheel is and has been centers even had it checked. This just started happening about 2 weeks ago, but I don't think snow is the problem, had it in a shop heated to 90deg all day just to thaw everything out and it still stayed on. The clock spring in these are known to go bad and for all 4 ABS sensors to show bad at once is almost not possible as well that points to a bad clock spring.

I have not been wheeling it in water just normal driving.

What threw me off is why the I terror lights stayed one with negative post off. If there is a short then that could cause a problem like I am having. I hope it is a bad sendor because tring to find a short will be tuff.

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