Water Tank

I am having difficulty in finding a fresh water for my build. I have look online and unless I missed it, I can't find the need size of 6" tall max x 10"wide max. The length is optional from 36" long - 42" long.

If you have any sources for lower height tanks, please let me know.

Thank you!,


New member
I am having difficulty in finding a fresh water for my build. I have look online and unless I missed it, I can't find the need size of 6" tall max x 10"wide max. The length is optional from 36" long - 42" long.

If you have any sources for lower height tanks, please let me know.

Thank you!,

I am also interested in some low profile choices. I am looking to put my under a M1101 trailer. Any vendor/mfg links would be greatly appreciated.

Lucky j

Euh, once tomglue is cured, it is as stable as the plastic around it.

Just a tought.

And I guess that what you do not see do not hurt you, could you could be surprised what kind of travel the water you are drinking is taking.


Expedition Leader
You needn't worry about the glue, PVC lines are used for residential water mains all the time. Perfectly fine.

But check usplastics.com, they have a huge variety of poly water tanks / cells. Or look for a company specializing in RV or boat potable water storage.

Or you could always have a custom tank welded up from aluminum. At high cost.

A row of 8" dia PVC sections running parallel to your axle mounted up under the bed and plumbed together at their end caps at their low points would give you a lot of volume with low slosh.
eta an 8" pipe 4' long holds about 10gals. volume=pi(r^2)(length). ~231cu" per gallon
4 pipe segments would give you 40gals.

I'll have a sketch up as soon as photobucket is back online.


photobucket was down hard for ~24hrs, but here you go

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Enfant Terrible
If you do go with pvc or abs using 6" pipe, you can easily use these style of end caps. Mission rubber also makes band on 90's if you want to double the length of your run. This is what I used for years before I went with a roto system water tank. No glue is involved and either pipe works well.

I just ordered 3 LCI water jerry cans for drinking that will fit across the front of the truck bed. Not the solution I wanted, but will work for now. I am going to look at the PVC pipe solution for my shower water. Thanks all!


Enfant Terrible
PVC does get brittle in the sun and is also white which doesn't heat the water as well as black ABS. You could paint it black and the fittings do hold up well in the heat and under pressure +|- 15 Lbs for a shower. They used to make an eccentric end plug so your hose bibb would be at the bottom of the pipe, though I haven't seen them in awhile. They also lose the heat remarkably fast, so you need to shower at just the right time. My woman, since she likes to be spoiled, goes first. I still use a standard garden spray attachment on a six foot wash machine hose.

After mucking about with these arraignments for several years, I finally help kickstart the Roadshower, all is good.

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