Van camping in -40


If you saw how very tiny the inner diameter of the fuel line is you might not be so nervous. I run the B4 and it works great, lot's of heat. I'd be way more nervous with propane on board and a pressurized tank.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
If you saw how very tiny the inner diameter of the fuel line is you might not be so nervous. I run the B4 and it works great, lot's of heat. I'd be way more nervous with propane on board and a pressurized tank.

Thanks for that!

I only think I will carry the small ones, leaking is almost impossible as I disconnect when not using.



My thought is more to the point of lots of RVs and vans having a large pressurized tank of Propane tucked up under them. That to me is more unsettling than considering a gas burning heater. The Espars and Webastos are very well made, well engineered devices with a ton of safety features built in. These little heaters are sophisticated.

I thought a lot about putting a separate diesel fuel cell in my gas van to run and Espar B2. End of the day I couldn't figure out how I was gonna plumb all that in and mount it so I paid the extra $$ and got the B4. Dang thing works great. I had a white gas backpacking stove, white gas lanterns, etc. I don't think these heaters are any more or less safe than a propane furnace, of which there are millions out there in RV's.

One benefit is that the gas burns a lot cleaner than the diesel. I just make sure that I leave it run high for a few minutes before turning it off.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Okay so I think I will lean towards the gas model, another idea done! This way it saves me adding a tank under the van or inside the van, also saves carrying different fuel.


Active member
We're up here in Fairbanks Alaska, so cold is a concern for us as well. Some thoughts:
We slept last year in -18 (F) with a propex heater and a Chevy Express with an uninsulated floor. It was a great trip to Denali NP during the shortest days of the year. We were comfortable on the bed sleeping, but the dogbowl on the floor froze solid. So, I think a Propex is capable, if you are well insulated.

Vehicles up here are outfitted with: block heater, trickle charger, oil pan heater, transmission heater. For that reason, when we are "off-the-grid" in winter, we carry a Honda 2000 with us. We'll keep it warm in the compartment, and I'll fire it up first thing in the morning to plug in the van. We'll let that run for 2-4 hours while we sleep more, cook b-fast, whatever. Keep in mind it doesn't get light out until 9am, so we are okay hanging out and letting the generator do it's thing.

New van has a Espar B4, so we'll update over time on it's performance. Once last thought, though. Our van is our jumping off point for adventures, so I have to be honest about the temps we are facing. When it's -40, it's hard to do anything outside, and we'd rather be at home.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Carleton, are you using the Espar gas or diesel?

I am not looking at going out in those temps as much as when I am out and the temps drop I don't want to be in trouble. As this fall/winter progresses I am finding myself less able to function in the cold so as long as my vehicle is a good emergency place I will be happy. If it does get really nasty I will probably wimp out and get a hotel room if needed. The biggest thing I have been finding is even with the van with zero insulation just having a place out of the wind to stand up and move around is amazing.


My ambo has 2" of solid foam insulation all around and 1"sub-floor. I might shoot insulation foam under the van as I've seen on some buses but it messy!

I'm almost done installing my Webasto Airtop 2000 and although I hope it will sufficient I already got my ambo set up for an Espar Hydronic ( to help with cold engine and extra heat/hot water will be nice).

But if I had the space I would have used a small wood stove. My friend has the one linked earlier. They are made in Québec and are extremely well built. It takes hardly no wood and burns hot! Plus it's much cozier than the ticking of a fuel pump...



White Turtle Adventures & Photography
My ambo has 2" of solid foam insulation all around and 1"sub-floor. I might shoot insulation foam under the van as I've seen on some buses but it messy!

I'm almost done installing my Webasto Airtop 2000 and although I hope it will sufficient I already got my ambo set up for an Espar Hydronic ( to help with cold engine and extra heat/hot water will be nice).

But if I had the space I would have used a small wood stove. My friend has the one linked earlier. They are made in Québec and are extremely well built. It takes hardly no wood and burns hot! Plus it's much cozier than the ticking of a fuel pump...


SOOO cool. If I did not want to be so mobile I would do that. I even thought of doing that in my class C, just so I could have the stove :)


New member
I was thinking the same thing, I was looking at the cubic mini to install in a full-size van with a fibreglass hightop. Just like you the temps get low here in a Manitoba winter ,a woods 3 star sleeping bag and a wood stove for dry heat would be nice and warm on a cold Winter night.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
I have owned an espar in a diesel and a gas... the diesel version is more sensitive, than your Diesel engine, to fuel geling... and even with seasonal fuel and anti gel formula, I have had the espar shut down on me due to extreme cold temps...

Theoretically, this should not be a problem in the gasoline version... in my current gasoline espar, I have not been in the same extreme temps I have with my diesel, yet...

Thanks, I am leaning towards the gas version for a number of reasons, I just need to get some suppliers to get back to me with pricing. Could use it now a sit is soooo cold outside :)


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Was going to work outside tonight, me think I will stay inside!

Extreme cold warning for Lethbridge issued by Environment Canada (EC) at 07:57 p.m. MST Monday 25 December 2017.

Valid from: 07:25 p.m. MST Monday 25 December 2017
Valid to: 08:25 a.m. MST Friday 29 December 2017

A period of very cold wind chills is expected.

Click here for more details.

***What this means to you:
Extreme cold puts everyone at risk.

Watch for cold related symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

***Recommended actions:
If it’s too cold for you to stay outside, it’s too cold for your pet to stay outside.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #ABStorm.

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