Upper Peninsula Overland Adventure Weekend August 23rd-24th


Perpetual Transient
Nice shots and video! I really love those morning shots at camp. Oh, and the comparison shot of your rig and the Eco Roamer, Jay's out-campered you by just a smidge. :D


I still have to go through pics....But I dont think Gay Beach and "chain" should be in the same sentence....we may get some frustrated veiwers on that one:wings:


Perpetual Transient
ron86toy said:
I still have to go through pics....But I dont think Gay Beach and "chain" should be in the same sentence....we may get some frustrated veiwers on that one:wings:

Ha ha, yeah, and in the back of one of his shots the "Gay Stack" is visible.

What time did you guy's roll in last night? I imagine it was pretty late. Any word from the other Ron today?


Well, I sure hope this will be an annual event. Angie and I had a great time. She's filtering through hundreds of shots. Should have them up tonight. It amazes us that we've lived in the UP all our lives, but have missed so much it has to offer.

Thanks to Jason and Kristian for all the time and planning. Between the company, food, views and trails, we couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

PS: The Friday sailing excursion was awesome. My sister called to say Finnian's been talking about his ride on the pirate ship all weekend. :088:


Perpetual Transient
I just spoke with Ron on the phone. They made some new friends at the Gay bar (man anything to do with that town sounds horrible) who directed them to a guy to fix the radiator. They spent the night at a campground on the beach and will hopefully have the fixed radiator ready to go here shortly and can get it back and installed and get on the road home. Probably will be a late night for those guys. He mentioned that he'll post the story of the whole ordeal.


Just want to add what a great job Kristian and Jason did. A great blend of trails, challenges and sites to see. Thanks for putting the trip together and the awesome job you guys did.

Hope you consider trips in the future. There are obviously a lot of areas left to see in the UP.

Will post pics asap.


Here's my addition to the pics.

From start to finish, and from the rear of the pack.

These pictures are rather large, and you can click on the picture in the frame to enlarge it. It gives options x2, x3, etc. "O" is Original, and largest.

No restrictions, you should all be able to save any that you like.

Kristian and Jason did a stellar job. I believe their hard work paid off.

Hope you all enjoy the pics as much as Myra and I enjoyed taking them:

U.P.Expedition Pics

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