Trip with firearm


Why do you think you need a firearm? The world isn't all that bad as the news makes it out to be. I travel year round and I'm not anti-gun but I have no interest in navigating the laws of where I'm going every time I cross a state line. I rarely feel unsafe. If I do I drive away.

I know, you didn't ask for my opinion. Enjoy your trip.

It's better to have and not need, than need and not have. In Canada I travel with a non restricted firearm whenever I can, I've used it to put down animals that have been struck , injured , and are suffering.


It's better to have and not need, than need and not have. In Canada I travel with a non restricted firearm whenever I can, I've used it to put down animals that have been struck , injured , and are suffering.
Yup. I have a couple buddies that had to use tire irons and hammers to dispatch wounded critters. No thanks. I don’t want to get that close and I’m way to fragile for that.


Gentleman Adventurer
How long are you going to be on your trip for?
You could always have your mail forwarded to a location.

My wife and I frequently have our mail forwarded to different places when we travel.
Always use USPS priority mail and it's there within 3 days.

There are two good apps for state firearms laws.

Legal heat and CCW.


Expedition Leader
If I bothered to stop and creature were not flailing around too much. I just drive over their head if I dont want to get my axe bloody.

I've done that too but in both of these cases the animals were off to the side of the road and I was in a company Mitsubishi MightyMax (piece of junk) with street tires. This was back when cell phones were still usually carried in bags, expensive and all I had was a Motorola pager. Not a fan of killing anything I'm not going to eat but even less of a fan of seeing an animal suffering needlessly and waiting on shock or coyotes to get it.


What do you use? Just curious.

No problem I've got a Keltek Sub 2000, in 9mm It's light, simple, uses my Glock mags, SMALL enough to fit in the pocket beside my seat. At the ranges of under 50 m accurate enough and powerful enough without the issue of a ricochet going to far astray. Its considered a standard rifle because it cannot function unless it's fully assembled here in Canada . I can travel anywhere in Canada unhindered with it except for National parks,in those no use is allowed.


No problem I've got a Keltek Sub 2000, in 9mm It's light, simple, uses my Glock mags, SMALL enough to fit in the pocket beside my seat. At the ranges of under 50 m accurate enough and powerful enough without the issue of a ricochet going to far astray. Its considered a standard rifle because it cannot function unless it's fully assembled here in Canada . I can travel anywhere in Canada unhindered with it except for National parks,in those no use is allowed.

Thanks. I appreciate the info. I Googled it and it's an interesting looking gun.
Thanks for the replies folks. After reviewing gun laws in several state I intend to visit, below is my summary .

- When traveling: Keep gun in a unloaded and locked in a case and out of sight. I have no reason to be worried about safety during travel (or am I wrong??)
- When at campsite/ trails: Keep gun in holster on person and visible (Open carry)

I would have been a lot more comfortable if my CCL had arrived, but I feel that the above approach is reasonable.

Relevant states: TX, NM, CO, OK, UT, AZ. WY, MO, ID
Gun: Glock 40 Gen4 MOS/ 10MM


The Strong, Silent Type
Does anyone know how big a pain in the a## is to bring your a hunting shotgun across the border into Canada?
If anyone has done it would love to hear the story.


Does anyone know how big a pain in the a## is to bring your a hunting shotgun across the border into Canada?
If anyone has done it would love to hear the story.

Super simple, at least when travelling from Alaska to the lower 48 and back. Fill out a form ahead of time, tell the border agent and spend a few minutes inside to pay $20ish and get a piece of paper proving you're authorized to possess and transport the firearm.


The Strong, Silent Type
Super simple, at least when travelling from Alaska to the lower 48 and back. Fill out a form ahead of time, tell the border agent and spend a few minutes inside to pay $20ish and get a piece of paper proving you're authorized to possess and transport the firearm.

Thank you. I wonder if know if these rules are the same when you are actually going to Canada for a hunt? It might be different when one is just crossing Canada.


Why do you think you need a firearm? The world isn't all that bad as the news makes it out to be. I travel year round and I'm not anti-gun but I have no interest in navigating the laws of where I'm going every time I cross a state line. I rarely feel unsafe. If I do I drive away.

I know, you didn't ask for my opinion. Enjoy your trip.

Why do you think you need to wear a seatbelt? A crash isn't all that bad as the news makes it out to be. I travel year round and I'm not anti-seat belt but I have no interest in navigating the laws of where I'm going every time I cross a state line. I rarely feel unsafe. If I do I drive away.

I know, you didn't ask for my opinion. Enjoy your trip.

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