Tree Rats


Not bragging, but I got 15 with the air rifle since summer. They jump on the window screens and beat on the sliding glass door. A friend of ours who had never owned a gun had to buy a .22 and killed 13 before they quit attacking her home.

Any other stories?


I have to ask.You are talking about squirrels right?

If so,they do not last long in my yard any more either.The neighbors started feeding the Grey squirrels a few years back and they nested under the intake manifold of my two week old truck.Then they got into the river rat[Subaru].Then they started raiding my garden.Then they got into my garden shed.Cute until people feed them.

Was born in Wenatchee.There is a street there with my last name.Grandfather developed it way back then.I love the Chelan area.


Around here we have packrats which are just as destructive with the added bonus of being nocturnal, making them a challenge to eradicate.
last spring our outside cat died and we were overrun with the damned things. Chipmunks too. Yeah really cute, but when you step outside and the ground moves it's time to thin them out. My tally for last summer was 14 chipmunks, 5 skunks, and 7 packrats, one ground squirrel and a gopher all from the yard/garden area and we still have a healthy breeding population of all species.


Expedition Leader
We put out D-con for the front yard and our 2 dogs keep the backyard rats in check, we may see 2 or 3 squirrels a year total but they stick to the power line or top of the fence, never hear them like you would if they were nesting somewhere close. There are several feral cats around that roam the neighborhood as well. May have to put out the rodent trap for a raccoon I saw crossing the street last week. Our bigger issue is with the deer population where we live, they will eat up an entire garden overnight and trample pets.

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