Toasty's '98 Montero Build


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
So far i haven't done anything exciting, i pulled the Montero transmission, removed the center console and trans wiring. Then i cleaned up the trans tunnel and stuck on some Noico. The SAS'd Monty broke another axle shaft so i've been working on that getting it stripped down for RCVs and i wanted to make some adjustments while it's down PLUS this Wuhan 400 thing is keeping me really busy at work. Now is a really good time to be in the sanitation equipment repair business.


New member
I agree my brother is making 5000 full face masks a day in his print shop. They have orders for over 500,000 masks.

Toasty everyone wants to hear that everything fits in your ride.


Monterror Pilot
In Michigan too, everyone is cranking out masks. Sewing.....3D printing......even saw one with an insert that you could place your own filter material into. I believe HEPA and some higher rated furnace filters are virus rated.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
When i catch the 'Rona and they send me home for a quarantine i'll power through and get some real progress on the v8 swap or die trying.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Removed the wiring harness from the truck today, getting it unwrapped so i can pair down the ABS circuit. I did the same for the transmission harness, it needs the SuperSelect circuit removed.20200411_145952.jpg


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Just barely making a small amount of progress, i need to fit heads, valve covers and oil pan next so i can decide it's final location in the engine bay



Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Hmmm..... Am I counting correctly? That looks an awe full lot like a small block V8

It most certainly is! 300hp through 5 gears and 4.90 finals, it should be sporty. I'm retaining the Super Select and adding dual torsen LSD's so it should be sticky as well. Maybe down the line i'll add a turby but for now i'm just going to be a regular guy.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
I never updated my suspension progress! Anyway, i bead blasted the control arms and powder coated them black with red/purple glitter. Then I installed Siberians, they actually looked really cool in person but not too flashy. Then i got to thinking about shocks and decided I'd be extra happy if i had coilovers, unfortunately that means i have to make new control arms ?. Luckily that also means I be able to get it aligned easier and adjust caster properly, so i sold the sparkling arms.


I went ahead and powder coated a couple tire carriers, one with the red sparkles and one in baby blue with blue sparkles. I'm liking the blue, i also did a light green but it looks like a park bench.



Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Those control arms look pretty slick. That's a 2UZ-FE right? What's the verdict on will it fit?

Thanks, It's a 1UZ. Seems to fit pretty good actually. Here's a crappy pic from my progress last night, heads and valve covers on. Closer to it's final location


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