Tire repair kit?


This is the tool I was referencing. The photo has been inserted enough that it doesn’t seem to copy well.



Expedition Leader
A pair of dikes or wire cutters will do the same. Much faster and one less tool to carry.

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what does that tool do?? remove valve stem?

Just for installing the valve stem but old school techs just use dikes. Sometimes you need to dikes to cut the stem to remove and it makes it easier to remove anyways. I use to do tires and I only use the tool if it's around otherwise dikes work in a pinch.

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Expedition Leader
he valve stem but old school techs just use dikes
Lol, Another good reason some people call themselves ”techs”.

Eh. Mind over matter. Not mine. Doesn't matter.

It's just great when I'm on the trail with my tech buddies watching guys with their fancy tools and not know how to use them. Sometimes you have to do with what you have to make things work. Knowing other tips and tricks goes a long way

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I just want to thank everyone for all of the tire repair info. I’ve been reading this thread for a while and have been thinking, I should give it a shot. Got “lucky” over the weekend and found a screw in my tire. It has been losing about a lb. a week for 6+ months. Go figure. I thought this was a good chance to give it a go. I was going to by the Safety Seal Kit, but found the ARB kit slightly cheaper and more importantly faster to my door. I “fixed it” this evening with the assistance of my 7 & 10 year old daughters. My youngest mixed up some soap and water in a spray bottle and we didn’t see any obvious leaks. Fingers crossed for the morning.


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Using gasoline or ether to seat a tire bead will often (usually) result in it being sucked back off as the fuel burns out inside the tire.

This is caused by not removing the valve core before starting the burn. Pull the valve-core first, problem solved.

Happy Joe

Apprentice Geezer
Been there... and looked at all the variants; etc. etc, etc. (Like 20-30 years ago)...
I will continue use a compressor; problem solved.

...Although, honestly, I don't recall ever pushing a bead off the rim myself, in the field; I have gotten may folks going who did.

People who push the sidewall into the obstacle are the worst at de-beading tires from rims, IMO.

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Wasn't trying to change your mind, just correct the misinformation that using flame to seat a beadwill suck the tire off of the rim for future readers. If any of you besides Joe find yourself needing to seat a bead with flame, not that I am advocating it, remove the valve stem first. The bead will still seat and will not be sucked back off the rim after.


Expedition Leader
Sometimes you just can't repair a tire no matter how many plugs you have. Not enough room to use the bottle jack until I jacked it up with the hi lift. One of the reasons I still carry one.


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