The Story of GnaRV aka “A Series of Expensive Unfortunate Events”


So I was thinking I need to hit Shoshone one last time before the real snow hits, I was going to go demo the new Jackson Fun series, you wanna go???? I also have a new (to me) XR that needs to be ridden somewhere fun if you are into that type of shizzz!


Weekend warrior anarchist
You river people interest me. I love the idea of whitewater. But I know nothing about it and at 6'3" I don't fit in most boats very well.


Yes river people are def one of a kind bunch and it is still a welcoming community of folks who truly look out for one another! Being tall is not much of a hindrance any longer, boat design has improved greatly!! I used to be an instructor and owned a school for a few years, if you are ever up in Colorado, I would gladly take you out.
You river people interest me. I love the idea of whitewater. But I know nothing about it and at 6'3" I don't fit in most boats very well.


The kid loves her "fort" and after a year if hard use, it's holding up perfect. 3/4 EMT that rolls out of the way, the hammock bit is out of cordura. A pool noodle with a slit down the side acts as a roll out guard. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1436891559.774363.jpg

3/4 therma rest makes it super Cush and her frozen sleeping bag makes it just like home.


ummm, not to get too far off track but....
do all surfers play ping-pong? i've worked with a bunch over the years and every one, without fail, has pinged pong. Many quite radly.....
excellent story too man...


What kind of shenanigans are you trying to pull??? All of these great updates making me laugh and now nothing!!!???? HOW DARE YOU :) Seriously though Cody Jinks is playing in Evergreen this Friday and was thinking about going to see him. Did you get on the river much this summer?


Lo siento. Ive been hammered this summer inbetween work and fun. I spent more time sleeping in the van and at the station than I did in my bed. I working away on a few things before another trip in October and Ill try to post some pics. No real big changes, just dialing in the interior. I have gotten the opportunity to replace...
1. both house batteries. decided to take a $hit on a ski trip in Crested Butte, super fun crawling around in the snow getting to that frame rail. Apparently had been cruising on one battery for a bit. The starts in Jackson Hole mustadonediditin.
2. starter. went with a DB superdutytough**** one. It whips the 7.3 over like it has nothing else going for it.

I hate spending money on crap I cant see. I wanna drop cash on bling, bumpers and body work, not something hidden somewhere. Its BS.

I didnt get out a ton, but enough that all my 3 year old wants is "more rafting, more camping, more rapids, more squirt gun fights". Doing sumin' right. Ill be at work Friday. Have fun.


Damn those bling killers!!!! I would love some bumpers and a 4x4 conversion but my clinic is eating me alive, alas I will have to wait until I can bleed my patients (literally) for some more van funds :) Get those rug rats started early that way they can row when they are teens and you can sit back and enjoy the ride!!!

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