-The Bucksmobile- 1987 E350 Falcon Project


New member
Well here we go. I've introduced myself but never had a proper thread on the Portal. I'm Joe. I own a small dealership in Northwest Arkansas. I specialize in 80s and 90s sports cars. Other than that I do a lot of OBS and down Fords. I have very ecclectic tastes. I'm a huge Merkur guy and own one of only a few shops in the country that specializes in them. However, I love all things vehicular. I've owned several Heeps, Rovers (including RRC Great Divide Edition #247) and a few Troopers. Fun stuff. One thing I've always wanted to build is an Expo rig. I've gotten close to starting a few times on a few of my Rovers and a Suburban or two I've owned, but I never got around to starting. About 5 years back, my grandfather who's nickname was 'Bucks' (I've never known why exactly. I suppose it has something sarcastic to do with money -haha) died. He was followed a couple of years later by my grandmother. They were a big part of my life. They owned an 87 E350 Falcon RV. They drove it all over the country to visit their grandchildren and see their important events and be a part of their lives. They didn't leave this worl with much of worth, but they left the RV. My uncle tried selling it in Idaho a while to recoup some of their final expenses, but I couldn't let it go to someone outside the family, so here it is: The Bucksmobile.

Its a 460 gasser. I've never owned an RV. Don't kniw much about them. This will be a slow build. And a steep learning curve. The plan:

-Tune up, check all the systems, fix whatever isn't working.
-New generator (this one is toast according to my cousin.)
-Replace the rusty doors, do some rust repair here and there.
-4x4 conversion (05 and up control arm/coil spring I hope.)
-Maybe matching dually rear end for stability, or maybe just some good spacers.
-Rip out and replace carpet, seats. Reupholster and repanel the entire interior. It's gross.
-Bumpers, winch, rack, spare tire carrier.
-Cheap paint job and some kind of world map vinyl.

Im sure I'll be asking for lots of advice. Thanks!


New member
In the most boring build thread of all time, I present to you, some progress:

A year later, I began gutting the thing. I pulled up most of the carpet, some of the subfloor, and the kitchenette.

I decided the best course of action is to gut pretty much everything because everywhere I look in the van, I see a sea of mauve, burgundy, shagpile, fake wood, and claustrophobia. The plan is to minimalize and downsize everything so there is more room. I'll be looking into:

-Smaller kitchenette (possibly custom) with an electric cooktop for simplicity.
-Full remodel of the bathroom. Not sure if I want to keep the toilet system. Possibly a porta toilette or cassette toilet? Feel free to chime in.
-More intelligent storage solutions. I feel like there is a lot of wasted space in there.
-What materials are good for wall coverings? I want some sort of white paneling that is flexible but relatively cheap.

After I get it liveable, then the 4x4 conversion will happen. I feel like that will be the easy part. I also started some rust repair. The doors had some major surface stuff that would have become holes so I took care of them. There was an existing rust hole which I've cut out and will make a patch panel as soon as I can get to it.

Some of the before:




Expedition Leader
Weld tech has been developing some 2wd kits for those rigs... Unless you need 4 driven wheels they have good options.


Having been in the situation of removing a black water plumbed toilet and then reinstalling I would say keep it. When I bought my B190 I thought that there was no way in heck I would use a shower or toilet, was right about the shower and dead wrong about the toilet, turns out that the humans of female persuasion reeeeaaallly like having a built in business settler. (and to be perfectly honest after a couple or late night uses I was a believer too) I agree about the 4x4 offerings, if you really need it then go for it but if you can get buy with 2wd a lift and possibly a locker if you really are going to push it, you will have a lot more funny money for traveling and using that fine beast!!!


New member
Thanks guys. I appreciate the advice. I will eventually do the 4x4 conversion. That's always been a must. Can't say I'll use it a whole lot, but would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Tail-End Charlie
I have a Class B van with head in the rear. Typical 24 x 30 rv shower on one side, toilet in center. It works and I hate it. There is barely enough room in the shower for my feet, and half that for my head and shoulders because the space narrows at the top.

If I was going to start from scratch, I'd use a cassette toilet mounted to the side (don't need much headroom when sitting down) with a shower pan in the center.

And forget about dualies. If you need it for weight or heavy towing, then fine, but for off road duals have several disadvantages.


I decided the best course of action is to gut pretty much everything because everywhere I look in the van, I see a sea of mauve, burgundy, shagpile, fake wood, and claustrophobia. The plan is to minimalize and downsize everything so there is more room. I'll be looking into:

-Smaller kitchenette (possibly custom) with an electric cooktop for simplicity.
-Full remodel of the bathroom. Not sure if I want to keep the toilet system. Possibly a porta toilette or cassette toilet? Feel free to chime in.
-More intelligent storage solutions. I feel like there is a lot of wasted space in there.
-What materials are good for wall coverings? I want some sort of white paneling that is flexible but relatively cheap.

I'm really looking forward to see how you proceed with this. I have basically the same van, a '90 coachman, and many of the same ideas of changes that need to be made, right down to the Mauve and shag :)

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