Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent


I don’t use locktite on them, and have never had any problems.
My RTT attaches at six places. Three of them are the standard double bolts with a flat bar across that clamps under a roof rack crossbar. Those bolts all get regular old nylock nuts. The other three are single bolts that go straight thru my crossbars (they have holes in them) and those ones get a fender washer and a Tufnut. Nothing has ever come loose; my last trip included 50+ miles of the worst washboard roads I’ve driven... If I ever get around to building a trailer they will all be single bolts with Tufnuts.
I realize my setup may not be “standard”, but I assume the the Tufnut + fender washer would work on the double-bolt-flat-bar ones also. In case it helps with validation, I got the Tufnut idea from Autohome (Maggiolina) as they sell them on their site as well.
I can take some pictures but it will be a couple weeks til I put the tent back on my Jeep...

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done away with that funky shoe bag. I went with Shoe Hammock by Compact Camping Concept, way better than that shoe bag. I added quick release buckles to it so I can disconnect it store the shoe hammock in the tent & quickly install it while setting up camp.

Ovrlnd Rd

done away with that funky shoe bag. I went with Shoe Hammock by Compact Camping Concept, way better than that shoe bag. I added quick release buckles to it so I can disconnect it store the shoe hammock in the tent & quickly install it while setting up camp.
View attachment 465077

I recommend you switch from using Crocs (or any similar type shoe) when using a RTT. If you have any dew/rain/moisture on the steps those will not grip and you can suddenly become airborne (it ain't the fall that gets you but that sudden stop at the bottom).


I second the grip tape

No-slip grip tape on the ladder rungs. How is this not included as stock...?


Feline not included...

via Tapatalk on an evil pocket calculator with a flashy screen

Lucky j

done away with that funky shoe bag. I went with Shoe Hammock by Compact Camping Concept, way better than that shoe bag. I added quick release buckles to it so I can disconnect it store the shoe hammock in the tent & quickly install it while setting up camp.
View attachment 465077View attachment 465078

Why would you remove the hammock. Just leave it there for storage. I did the same thing a few years back using a piece of the safety net for and old trempoline.
As for the crock, I would keep the steps just as they are. Perso, I drop my shoes on the ground when going down and place my feet in them or any shoes from and on the lower step.

Btw, I use the hammock for many different things, including towels and clothes.


I recommend you switch from using Crocs (or any similar type shoe) when using a RTT. If you have any dew/rain/moisture on the steps those will not grip and you can suddenly become airborne (it ain't the fall that gets you but that sudden stop at the bottom).
haven't had any problems my ladder rungs are textured. I'll continue to use them.


Why would you remove the hammock. Just leave it there for storage. I did the same thing a few years back using a piece of the safety net for and old trempoline.
As for the crock, I would keep the steps just as they are. Perso, I drop my shoes on the ground when going down and place my feet in them or any shoes from and on the lower step.

Btw, I use the hammock for many different things, including towels and clothes.
as we do the same as of using the shoe hammock to hold other items. In the past be has our shoes carried off by animals that why I store them up high in the hammock.

Mr. T

One time I had deployed the RTT while on a high ridge. During the night some gusts of wind managed to lift the folding half up a bit. I thought about staking out the ladder but I decided to add a couple of these D-Rings on the bottom of each outside corner.

View attachment 93487

With these I can deploy a couple of guy lines for a more balanced tie-down of the RTT.

I used 2 these on my RTT tent see picture -

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