SilicaRich's Overland TJ Rubicon Build


Wandering Inverted
A little fire power for the build

Well, I just made a large purchase meant to be as a 1 year late graduation gift, better late than never. However, it's not exactly for the Jeep but something that can be useful on whatever future trips I take in it.

My dad has made it a tradition to buy his sons a gun (within a certain price range) of their choice after graduation, a shotgun and revolver from my brothers before me, and I ultimately decided on a Winchester Model 1894 Trails End Takedown. Originally, I was searching for this particular gun in 30-30 due to the ease of ammo availability, price, and reputability but it turns out that this rifle is extremely desirable and near impossible to find, let alone in any of its available calibers (30-30, 38-55, and 450 Marlin). However, finally I managed to locate a Takedown in Oregon but not in 30-30, instead 38-55. After numerous calls to Winchester, I found out that the next shipments of Takedowns won't be till January of next year and back orders are exceeding projected production numbers across all 3 calibers and realized if I was going to come remotely close to getting my hands on a Takedown anytime soon this was it. That's not to mention a potential increase in prices due to the gun law craziness going on right now. Officially bought the rifle as of 45 minutes ago, should be shipped from its warehouse somewhere on the East coast to the Oregon gun shop, and then to a local gun shop here in Texas to be picked up, process should take around 2 weeks. All I can say is that I'm very excited:wings::jumping:


Wandering Inverted
Well I have mostly good news, but also some news that sucks.

I'll start with the sucky news
Decided to pull off the rear ladder since I noticed it didn't seem to be seated correctly. Sadly, this is what happens when you don't take the time to properly install your Gobi ladder.
That's bare metal. Ordered touch up paint that will be picked up tomorrow and had to re-glue the rubber that was supposed to serve as protection between the ladder and tub. Oh well, lesson learned.

Good news:

Finally pulled the trigger on a CB radio last week and figure I'll install it with the Tuffy overheard console this weekend...if I can find the will to battle the Texas heat.

Here's the basics of the CB setup:
-Uniden 520XL
-4' Firestik
-HD spring
-18' coax
-3 way antenna mount, plan to mount the antenna on the passenger side ladder mount since I have no reason to buy a second rack ladder

Other goodie that I mentioned before that isn't exactly Jeep related but could be useful on future adventures is the Winchester Model 1894 Trails End Takedown. Got phone call confirmation that it has been shipped out of Oregon and should be ready to pick up on Friday, weather permitting. Otherwise I'll have to wait till Tuesday.


Wandering Inverted
That's the same CB set up I have. It has worked really well. It's all about getting everything grounded right

Yeah that's my biggest concern at this point. I figure I'll keep fiddling around with it until it works, hopefully not have to grind away too much paint to get a good ground


Wandering Inverted
Well I received a surprise call today from the local gun shop that my Model 1894 was to be delivered and sure enough, it's in! Just got done picking her up and will post photos soon.


Wandering Inverted
Here's The New Toy!

Meant to post a photo earlier of the Model 1894 but better late than never! I figure this will start a new obsession kind of like when I got into my Jeep:sombrero:
Taken down

Photos aren't great as far as actually showing the gun and such but you get the gist

-Winchester Model 1894 Trails End Takedown
-Caliber .38-55
- 20" barrel
- Pretty light at 6lbs 12oz, perfect backpack gun with plenty of pop
-Yes, takedown as in it breaks into 2 (3ish) main pieces. 30 seconds to takedown, 30 seconds to put back together
- Low production number gun, 18th built on the year. Lucked out big time on that.

As of now, I'm hunting for ammo, ha. Well kind of was reminded why I was searching for .30-30 versus .38-55 originally. This ammo is pretty hard to find, at least in stores that is, and pretty darn expensive ($1.25-$1.80 a round). Oh well, probably will find the time to buy the necessities to reload my own ammo in the future to make shooting this gun more casual.


Wandering Inverted
So I went ahead and took a look at my CB, pulled it out of the box and everything to inspect what I am dealing with. First thing I noticed is how short the wires are, far too short if I were install it to the overhead console unless I were to maybe tab into another power source. Well probably a dumb question, but what does everyone else do? Do you buy more wire and connect it directly to the battery or just tap into another power source like the fuse box or cigarette lighter? I hear mixed stuff about tapping into another source and also don't like the fact you can't turn on the CB when the Jeep is off. So what do yall think?


Peachjeep, it's up to you to figure it out. On one of my Jeeps the cigarette lighter is hot all of the time, the other is only hot in ACC or when it is running. Take a VOM and poke around your fuse block to find a hot place to plug into. Usually there are a few unused spots in the block you can use or they make adapters to tap into an existing spade plug.


When I wired up my Cobra 75wx I didn't have enough wire to reach my battery also. I just used more of the same gauge wire and connected directly to the battery. I am currently adding a lot of aux lighting (rock lights, rear backup lights, fog and spot lights) and cleaning up my wiring by installing a Switch-Pros switch system. I would highly suggest that system if you ever add anymore lights to your rig.


I aired mine to the fuse box behind the glove box. I put it in the radio fuse that way it works on either accessory or on but I can't accidentally leave it on and kill my battery. If your cb automatically reverts to ch19 like mine does, it's kinda a pain to keep reseting the channel every time you turn the engine off but it works well for me. You could also wire it to a hot fuse (dome light or horn maybe?), but just be sure to turn your radio off. Wording it to the battery works too, my lights go to the battery. If you don't have a heat gun use the crimp connectors to lengthen the wires. Way better than twisting and electrical taping haha

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