Short Bed (5 foot) Camper Shell Setup Inspiration?


I bought a Tacoma with a 5 foot be when I was too young and dumb to properly think through what a mistake it would be seeing as I am 5'9" and primarily wanted a truck for the purpose of camping in. Now instead of selling it for a long bed version (believe me I have considered it many times, but figure for now I'll make do with a truck I already know is reliable and been properly maintained) I want to spend some time, probably a couple months to start, living out of it. I just got a standard, cab-height fiberglass shell for it and I am trying to decide how to utilize the bed space most efficiently seeing as I am too tall to sleep straight down one side of the bed.

I can lay down at an angle in the bed and have some ideas around that, including creating an diagonal sleeping platform that folds in half on top of itself to become just a seat during the daytime for more room. But I'd like more inspiration and ideas before I do it.

Has anyone built a design for a short bed that actually worked?


Wiffleball Batter
Think about what you NEED vs what is "nice to have." Really, all you need is a place to sleep, right? A basic platform that sits above the fender wells would allow you to use the full width of the bed. Sleep diagonally and you should have over 6' of room. Your cooking stuff can go in the drawers in the platform. Your stove can sit on the tailgate when you're using it and can be stowed away when you don't.


With the Decked system you can stretch out diagonally (I'm 5'9" also) and be completely stealthy. But, what's really cool, with the $59 Walmart tailgate seat, you can get over 7' with the Decked drawers open if you don't need stealth that particular evening.

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