Scepter MFC vs Wavian NATO fuel can


Hopefully a quick question; do the Wavian (or other metal jerry cans) swell up like the Sceptre tanks? I love the Sceptres but I also have bad memories of trying to get them out of tight jerry can holders...


Active member
I don’t know yet. I believe I saw a video where it was mentioned they do not. I plan to leave my black one in the sun this summer just to see what it does.


Active member
The one nice thing with the NATO can is no wrench required to open it. Good luck cracking open an MFC without a wrench, especially if it’s been sealed up a couple months.

old .45

I have been using NATO cans and there spouts for many years with no problems.....100 + to 15 - F. no swelling leaking even when on there sides, the NATO spouts and cans just.... work, period!


It's interesting how hard the Scepter cans are to find in the U.S. concidering they are standard equipment for the military! They are made in Canada and heard you can buy them all over up there, like at 'Canadian Harbor Freight' (whatever that shop is actually called I don't know)


I have purchased both heavy duty plastic Scepter and Wavian NATO cans at Princess Auto (Canadian equivalent to Harbour Frieight) over the years although it has always been hit or miss if they have them. Looking at their website it doesn't look like they have them at the moment

I prefer the Scepter cans for water and the Wavian NATO cans for fuel. The Wavian cans are better quality than any of the old surplus NATO cans that I have purchased in the past. The gaskets on all of the NATO cans are replaceable and available through eBay or Amazon (can't remember which) and as long you replace them when required those cans NEVER leak!

I did have a couple of Canadian military Scepter diesel cans for a while but didn't really like them that well so sold them and purchased Wavian NATO cans.


It's interesting how hard the Scepter cans are to find in the U.S. concidering they are standard equipment for the military! They are made in Canada and heard you can buy them all over up there, like at 'Canadian Harbor Freight' (whatever that shop is actually called I don't know)

IIRC thats because they dont meet CARB or what ever it is and cant be sold in the US



Well-known member
I don't get why people mess with spouts for either brand. It's way easier to siphon or use one of those dirt cheap battery pump things. I see dudes bear hugging their heavy filthy Jerry's and leaning up against their dirt encrusted rigs with everything instantly sticking to their sweaty skin and always wonder, why?

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