Riding Racetrack Road in DVNP

Has anyone on here ridden Racetrack Road in DVNP? I've driven it a bunch of times and got to thinking about riding it. The terrain doesn't look challenging but I wonder if the washboard makes for a very not-fun ride. I have a Pivot Mach 429 and a Les. I'd probably take the 429.

I have been riding for 30 years and racing off and on, most recently I've been racing singlespeed and competed in the SS world championships this past October, so I'm not scared of a 27 mile ride with relatively low elevation gain. But I like to be prepared since it's a 6 hour drive from my front door to Ubehebe. I'd probably ride with a friend and have my wife drive my van so we can camp at Homestake, but a round trip isn't out of the question.

If you've done it, what were you riding? What would you do differently?


If you've done it, what were you riding? What would you do differently?

I have not ridden that route. When we visited in 2017, there was a bike packer at the campground who had ridden in that day. He seemed fine & was enjoying himself. As we drove out the next day we met him again just N of Tea Kettle Junction and he was pretty frustrated with the washboards and sandy climbing. It was Thanksgiving weekend and I think the motor vehicle traffic was also wearing him out as many vehicles just assumed he'd stop and get out the way as they drove past. That's a lot of lost momentum.

I've thought of riding it since and decided I would:

1. Make sure I rode during the week to avoid traffic.

2. Probably ride plus tires hopefully 29+ to help with the washboards.

3. Both of my bike packing bikes are rigid, and I might wait until I get a Lauf fork for one of them.

4. I've though of going in via Lippincott Rd rather than the Race Track Road. Shorter, more adventuresome, and it would be a great descent on the way out! Tougher drive to the "trailhead".

You'll want to carry water, but if there are others at the campground you can probably beg some there (unless you end up with the support vehicle you mentioned as possibility).

Have fun!


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