Regretting my layout and sofa bed ,uuuugh


This thread makes me happy I went with captains chairs and cots.
+1 on trying a little ballast to see if it softens up.

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It's tough to figure out the ideal layout that will work best for you. An RB van is so cramped for space. We did the 4 captain chairs layout and a dinnete to bed conversion behind. It leaves us just enough space for a rear fridge and sink/storage across. It all just barely fits.


Are you regretting the layout, or just the bed?

You could always cut a piece of 1/4" plywod to slide under the cushions and see if that helps. Cut it to fit and sand the edges so they don't rip the cushion material.


Well honestly I am regretting the sofa bed design its flimsy construction and just not supportive, I have firmed it up by sliding a piece of plywood under the cushion and supporting it with tow straps. I added some foam between the plywood. So now when you sit, it doesn't bounce up and down. It has firmed it up some. Ill just have to live with it because I'm not going to scrap an 1800 dollar sofa bed. In hindsight I should have gone much more simple in design. I tried to get fancy and now I regret it


So most people here seem to be of the opinion that the sofa beds are complete crap...

Can I just take a moment to express an opposite opinion (for any prospective buyers on the fence)?

I can't speak to the fancy leather one, but we got the cheapest princess version with just grey cloth. Bought from shop4seats, paid $589 + $200 shipping, so still not ultra cheap. We sleep on it every single night, and lounge on it nearly every day. (We live in our van) It is quite nice! In fact when we get the opportunity to sleep in a 'real' bed, we often turn it down because the sofa bed is more comfortable to us.

I like the minimal design of the legs/anchors because it leaves a lot of room underneath for gear storage. It doesn't have seat belts, but if we do add them, the belts have to mount to the floor anyway, so I don't understand the ' bad in an accident' concern. It's not designed to have seat belts fastened to it...

It's not really bouncy. We have suburban Springs for lift and higher payload, but also have a few hundred pounds of gear and stuff inside, plus a Tw200 motorcycle on the hitch sometimes.

Had the sofa for over two years now.

Tl;dr we love our princess sofa bed,very comfortable, no regrets. But I can't speak to the more fancy models.


So most people here seem to be of the opinion that the sofa beds are complete crap...

Can I just take a moment to express an opposite opinion (for any prospective buyers on the fence)?

I can't speak to the fancy leather one, but we got the cheapest princess version with just grey cloth. Bought from shop4seats, paid $589 + $200 shipping, so still not ultra cheap. We sleep on it every single night, and lounge on it nearly every day. (We live in our van) It is quite nice! In fact when we get the opportunity to sleep in a 'real' bed, we often turn it down because the sofa bed is more comfortable to us.

I like the minimal design of the legs/anchors because it leaves a lot of room underneath for gear storage. It doesn't have seat belts, but if we do add them, the belts have to mount to the floor anyway, so I don't understand the ' bad in an accident' concern. It's not designed to have seat belts fastened to it...

It's not really bouncy. We have suburban Springs for lift and higher payload, but also have a few hundred pounds of gear and stuff inside, plus a Tw200 motorcycle on the hitch sometimes.

Had the sofa for over two years now.

Tl;dr we love our princess sofa bed,very comfortable, no regrets. But I can't speak to the more fancy models.

Im glad the princess bed is working for you I should have gone that direction in hindsight. I installed the seatbelts as instructed and they are bolted through the van floor I used large galvenized washers. My concern in an accident is the frame itself, not so much the seat belts. when laying the sofa down the steel is not very sturdy compared to the stock ford seats, i just dont know how it would fare in a side impact collision, i dont want to think about it. So let me lesson teach everyone that the sedona model is not the one to get, it is not comfortable to sit in nor sleep on.


You could always post the bed on craigslist to see if you can unload it. You'll have to take a hit on the price, but someone might be willing to take it off your hands for a decent price. That way you aren't stuck with a bed you don't like and aren't wasting a ton of money by scrapping it.


New member
Is there any chance your shock valving is not longer applicable to your setup? I know I put a set of heavy duty RV shocks on the rear of my first 4x4 van and it road like a rock. Every bump you hit would send the
rear passengers flying. I switched to some applicable bilstein shocks and it was a night and day difference. This may not apply but just a thought.


Shocks should be just fine as my conversion was just done recently, and agile do them right. Since I added plywood and more foam to the underside it has firmed up the ride significantly. So i will plan on doing this summer camping season as she sits. There's certain truth to the fact that any bench seat over the rear axle even the stock ford seat is not the most comfortable ride being that you will feel more bumps in the road as opposed to being in captains behind the front seats. But for us RB owners that's really not an option if one wants some interior space to move around in (room for dogs. Etc)

Desert Dan

Check your air pressure and maybe consider new springs in the rear.

Agile bent the rear overloads down slightly (too improved ride) when I had my RIP installed

I may try taking out the bottom overload leaf before getting new springs. I may check with Deaver.

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