Question about using an RTT on campground

Lucky j

Ok, should have tought about asking this here sooner, but I guess it slipped out of my mind.

I have own an ARB RTT for about 4 years now. Sometimes on my off road trailer, sometimes on my suv.

But my question is, what do you tell the clerk when you stop at a campground when they ask you what kind of equipment you have.

A tent, a trailer with a tent. Or well it is a tent, but on my car.

Weird, but I'm always a little confused. One of the reason, is also if I have to make a reservation, I do not want to end up on a high price camper trailer spot with full service and I would rater have an isolated tent spot,mbut some tent spot do not allow a trailer to be backed to the nice tent location, were a ground tent would be on some organized level patch of ground.

So curious about other's experience.


Many times they give you a strange look when you talk about a RTT. State, national, and private developed campgrounds all have different types of spots so sometimes it is worth asking if prebooking. I usually use tent spots with driveway and no hookups although rare that I end up in pay spots these days. Just make sure they are not a walk to site and are setup for car camping. On Reserve America I'll choose a 15' camper truck when they ask. I'm running an FJ with Autohome RTT.


Adventurer and Explorer
Yeah, my main thing is making sure I don't screw myself with just a parking spot and a "walk in" site. Normally if I have any questions I just say "I don't need hook ups or anything but I like to sleep in my suv, what should I reserve". That beats trying to explain my circumstances with a RTT. If your trailer is small enough I'd just say "what's available for a suv and small trailer", again, who cares if you sleep above a small trailer or your suv.


Yeah, my main thing is making sure I don't screw myself with just a parking spot and a "walk in" site. eNormally if I have any questions I just say "I don't need hook ups or anything but I like to sleep in my suv, what should I reserve". That beats trying to explain my circumstances with a RTT. If your trailer is small enough I'd just say "what's available for a suv and small trailer", again, who cares if you sleep above a small trailer or your suv.

My wife is still nervous about dispersed camping so we'll typically end up in campgrounds. We try to go for state/federal campgrounds first, which are typically self service but do find ourselves in KOAs and the like. We just ask for a tent spot and make sure that it's not a walk in site. Sounds like you've got is pretty much figured out, just have to go and be flexible, patient, and clear about your needs - I've talked with a lot of camp hosts, no two are the same, and they all seem to make different assumptions about RTT's.


i've always said i have a tent. Then if they ask anymore questions i'll say it's mounted onto the roof of my truck and i don't need any hookups. It's just like a regular tent. So every time i've paid for a tent spot. KOA was a little confused about it....

Lucky j

Ok, nice to find out I'm not the only one wondering how to explain my situation.

I have a tendency to say that I want a tent site. What realy become a point that I take a chance is If I want to reseve on line. Other thing, is I often guet on site after hours when I'm traveling from A to B. So when getting on site, I always hope that I will not get a surprise. But this is all part of the adventure. Don't you think?

As for trying to explain what is an rtt, I guess that with time, the word will get around.

Keep it coming, still curious about what to other people! :)


I say tent when it's on the Jeep, and Tent Trailer when it's on the trailer. Granted, they usually think "pop up" but has never been an issue.


In my experience so far, Tent Trailer has been the ticket if I have not done research on the location. I have been fortunate so far by checking out the CG online before we get there. Most have different rates for the same site depending on your rigs needs. Down side to most CG's in my area, the tent sites are "walk up" only and do not allow car camping at these sites. My situation is a little different to compare with though, I have to have power for the CPAP and the capability to charge up the electronics overnight is a bonus. We carry a quiet gen when dispersed.

Lucky j

I I would walk them out to my vehicle and show them the set-up. There were some that still left scratching their heads.:)

At familly party, some of my folks that as not seen the set-up yet do just that to. They have a hard time understanding that I sleep up there, and that it is very comfortable. :)


Adventurer, eh?
I say tent when it's on the Jeep, and Tent Trailer when it's on the trailer. Granted, they usually think "pop up" but has never been an issue.

Ya, same. If I were using a regular rent, my truck would still be on the site, so if the tent is on the ground, or on the roof of the truck, it's still a tent. With the trailer, I just say small tent trailer. I've never been asked to elaborate at the gate, but on the campsite, it does turn heads, heh.


I sleep in the back of my covered truck bed and always just tell them I sleep in my truck. Some places call me a van camper while others call me a tent camper. I always get the same rate as a tent person except for those walk in tent sites which are dirt cheap.

In October, I was at the start of a SW expedition and planned to see the balloon festival in Albuquerque for a few days. I booked a site at their on site RV campground with my truck setup. When I came to check in at the gates, they asked where my trailer was? They were not happy with me and my non RV setup, but they still let me stay :sombrero:

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