Plain vs Serrated Blade


Tail-End Charlie
Serrations are a pain in the butt to sharpen unless they are wide sweeping teeth like a breadknife. I don't think I've seen any half-serrated blades with teeth like that, most have a more saw like tooth arrangement.

I've got an old folding knife with a half-serrated blade that I got for Father's Day a long time ago. I like it because it's all stainless steel and the blade is thick with a good tip profile for punching through stuff like the tops of tin cans. Also has a bloody good lock and opens/closes easily with either hand.

Doesn't hold an edge all that well, so it's more for brute forcing than finessing. Also requires frequent sharpening whenever I actually use it. Which is good - over the years I've fairly well ground away those goofy serrations.

It's a good stout all-around camp beater.

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Tail-End Charlie
For cooking I've got an old American made Ekco Flint stainless serrated that I sawed the handle off decades ago to make it fit my backpack cooking kit. I guess the blade is about 5" and the handle half that.

Holds a very sharp edge very well, but still, I've sharpened it so many times over the years that the serrations have been pretty well ground off.



Tail-End Charlie
For finessing and fine work, I'll take a filet knife any day of the week. Long smooth edge and a great grip.



Active member
I have two Benchmade knives. A bit of a story behind them...

I was driving from WV to CT and stopped off at Cabelas on the way. It was my first time in there so I was probably wandering for two hours... anyway, they had a kiosk set up with only knives. Long story short, the salesman knew his stuff. He asked me the right questions, including what I did and didn’t like about my current knife.

I ended up with the standard (not mini) Griptilian with a D2 blade, which I still have and use. I was so impressed I hunted high and low for the discontinued full-tang fixed blade in D2 steel. The later I carry in the woods. Both are partially serrated because I don’t spend hours honing my blades to perfection as Rambo did in first blood... the D2 holds up. It does rust however and needs a bit of oil when stored for a while. The blades have a black coating on them of some sort.

Both are half-serrated and they are a nice feature. Again, since I don’t keep the blades razor sharp, the serrations are quite useful. Oh, and mail it back with five bucks and it’s will return fully overhauled and razor sharp.

Yes, I can hack a limb down with the fixed blade one but I have a small bow saw, hatchet and axe for bigger stuff. Might join the 20th century and get one of them fancy chain saws soon...


We did very little sharpening of our Vickeys. Like you said it doesn't work. Nothing cut line/rope better though. Some of the guys would carry folding serrated spydercos. Not an all around blade for sure.

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