Pelican alternitive

At my work we have numerous calibrated tools (aviation) and need to store them accordingly. Today I discovered a alternitive to Pelican cases, the brand is Doskocil. A quik Google search found then to be less expensive than Pelican and made in the good old USA. So if your looking to protect your sesitive gear check them out. FYI


Heretic Car Camper
Commonly found product in firearms. Those products of theirs that I am most familiar with are not quite as robust as the Pelican case, but they are still a sturdy product and merit consideration. For many uses I think the Pelican case is unnecessary overkill.
Good call!


Doskocil used to manufacture a camp kitchen that I have like this:

The company is based out of Arlington, Tx.



One advantage to Pelican is they are warranted for life. We have a couple hundred that we use and beat up. Any time something breaks they send replacement parts, no questions asked.



Old Camping Dude
everything is overkill right up until it fails. The difference in both the similar size cases is probably 50 bucks on a set of two. In a life time purchase that seems little to pay.

The real test is that both Pelican and Doskocil units are used at my work protecting test equipment that cost more than most peoples expo rigs by mechanics that have no reguard for the box. That being stated neither have failed and a lifetime of saving fifty bucks could be early retirement or the next big trip.


everything is overkill right up until it fails. The difference in both the similar size cases is probably 50 bucks on a set of two. In a life time purchase that seems little to pay.


You might have to revisit your 50.00 perception. ;-)

Just one example ( I did it so it is not 2nd hand ) ..

a Doskocil Long Gun case 41.99 same lenght case Pelican 1700 is 190.00.
Pistol case ( double pistol ) Doskocil 19.95 Pelican 1520 79.00

and I am sure it can go on.

I gave my Dosko's to my brother in law as his Long Rifle is not that expensive shall the case fail in transit


Expedition Leader
everything is overkill right up until it fails. The difference in both the similar size cases is probably 50 bucks on a set of two. In a life time purchase that seems little to pay.


And for some people that might mean that their hand tools get dusty and/or wet. ;)

I have my computer and camera in a Pelican. The only other thing I can think of might be my first aid kit. Other than that, more affordable options are attractive.


Expedition Leader
Canoed the North Platte a few weeks ago. Class II+/III- so a fair amount of cold water flying around. I had cameras in a Pelican cases and my friend a first aid kit. Both leaked. Not substantially enough to damage the contents but there was visible water inside. Neither case was ever fully immersed to my knowledge. Both cases were pretty new and both owners were quite disappointed. Given that experience, I'll try the Doskocil.


New member
Try a Storm case - excellent reliability / sealing on the one our son uses for a camera - and much easier to operate latches than a Pelican.


lost on the mainland
Canoed the North Platte a few weeks ago. Class II+/III- so a fair amount of cold water flying around. I had cameras in a Pelican cases and my friend a first aid kit. Both leaked. Not substantially enough to damage the contents but there was visible water inside. Neither case was ever fully immersed to my knowledge. Both cases were pretty new and both owners were quite disappointed. Given that experience, I'll try the Doskocil.

one thing to remember the only way they stay waterproof is to keep the o-ring in good condition make sure there is nothing laying across it such as thread etc.. or its not got nicks in it ? a small amount of food grade silicone very small amount ! is good to keep it nice
also if you over stuff them and try to close them up they will not be as good

not saying it did not happen :) just trying to give info for others if they have them


yep Pelican bought out Hardigg which makes Storm cases. Storm = Pelican. Only a bad thing if you're on a budget.

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