OVRLND camper topper


New member
I really like your design! I had a couple questions about the camper. How thick is the aluminum square tubing that you used? Did you use anything as a buffer between the skeleton and skin of the camper?

OVRLND Campers

Active member
I really like your design! I had a couple questions about the camper. How thick is the aluminum square tubing that you used? Did you use anything as a buffer between the skeleton and skin of the camper?
Thanks. I use a few different sizes anything from 1x1 to 1x3, depending on the application. its .063 wall (1/16) There is a buffer which is some really strong double sided tape. You have a project in mind?

OVRLND Campers

Active member
It was awesome meeting a ton of you at the Expo and thanks for the huge positive response! Some campers are coming down the pipe and I look forward to all the new crazy ideas you've sent my way.

OVRLND Campers

Active member
I had some folks come up to me at the expo and say it was hard to tell from the pictures how big this thing is on the inside (Lance). Here are some pics I took some pictures to try and give it some justice. For reference I am 6' tall. with a 6' truck ed and with the queen bed fully extended there is still about 2' of standing room to use for cooking or working. I would estimate 32 clowns could jam in there. Maybe more.



Active member
That looks awesome! I have been planning (okay, dreaming about is more accurate) on building something almost exactly like this. Do you have any estimates on pricing? (depending on what options people go for and what kind of vehicle it would be going on, of course.)

OVRLND Campers

Active member
That looks awesome! I have been planning (okay, dreaming about is more accurate) on building something almost exactly like this. Do you have any estimates on pricing? (depending on what options people go for and what kind of vehicle it would be going on, of course.)
Thanks! It's been a long time coming. All the pricing can be found on my website campovrlnd.com. For smaller trucks I start at $7400 and for full size $7900. Any accessories/design changes are just the part price plus hourly labor after that. Most design changes are just material cost due to it taking me the same amount of time. In your build what did you have different? I always like toying with new ideas....


Active member
Thanks! It's been a long time coming. All the pricing can be found on my website campovrlnd.com. For smaller trucks I start at $7400 and for full size $7900. Any accessories/design changes are just the part price plus hourly labor after that. Most design changes are just material cost due to it taking me the same amount of time. In your build what did you have different? I always like toying with new ideas....

I was planning on combining the pop up tent portion with either a flatbed, service body, or Aussie style tray bed. If I go the service body route, it would be more streamlined than a lot of the ones you see out there (shallower side boxes to maintain bed/living space, high clearance rear end, all aluminum, etc) with the canopy section built in.

OVRLND Campers

Active member
I was planning on combining the pop up tent portion with either a flatbed, service body, or Aussie style tray bed. If I go the service body route, it would be more streamlined than a lot of the ones you see out there (shallower side boxes to maintain bed/living space, high clearance rear end, all aluminum, etc) with the canopy section built in.
Sounds awesome. I have had some serious interest in a flatbed model, so hopefully one will make it out of the shop in the next year. I like the idea of combining with a service body, keeping most of the gear easily accessible. When are you going to start your build?


Active member
Sounds awesome. I have had some serious interest in a flatbed model, so hopefully one will make it out of the shop in the next year. I like the idea of combining with a service body, keeping most of the gear easily accessible. When are you going to start your build?

I'm probably not going to be able to start the build for a long while yet. Don't have any shop space and might be going back to school in the fall for a couple years, so it could be a few years away.


perpetually lost
There are finger sized gaps around the tailgate of my frontier. Is there a possibility of getting your camper with a back wall and little RV style door instead on using a liftgate over the tail gate?

OVRLND Campers

Active member
There are finger sized gaps around the tailgate of my frontier. Is there a possibility of getting your camper with a back wall and little RV style door instead on using a liftgate over the tail gate?
They make tailgate seals if that is of interest.

I was going to suggest the same thing. Those seals work pretty well. I can do barn doors but you would end up with essentially the same seals. I have a friend with a frontier so sizing the doors wouldnt be a big deal. I also have a lot of requests for leaving the gate as your "back porch" and having barn doors for the upper half. The camper being built right now will have these and I'll post a drawing later with the concept. Anything to keep the flip up door out of the way is definitely the way to go!

OVRLND Campers

Active member
Hey all, I have been speaking to many of you and a common comment was pricing. My goal going into this was to make a super affordable livable camper with the original goal of sub $5000. Though due to labor this price target was quickly out the window. With the expansion of a new shop space and tooling I have been able to shave hours off the build time, and for this reason I want to make the camper more competitive to anyone who was considering one.

For the base camper midsize truck - $6400 and full size - $6800

I tried to get a spot for the NW Overland Rally, but since they were full up I am working hard to get a camper around so more of you have a chance to see how big this thing is when popped!


Lower pricing is always a good thing.

A good comment was made in another thread: have you thought about perhaps doing a press-brake style panel box ala Vagabond, then attaching your lifting roof to it? It might save considerable labor...although I bet a press brake of that size is quite expensive. I wonder if anyone in Flagstaff has something that big.

Such a design would save you from having to cut all the small pieces of the lower canopy, and keep you from having to skin the large parts of the frame.


Expedition Leader
Love this idea. I like this much more than any of the newer light weight campers currently available.

I went to NAU and some of the fire roads we used to mob down had a bunch of those little brake bumps, have you had any issues with rattling or shaking? What about the cabover portion? Does it ever hit the top of the truck if you hit a bump or anything like that?

Great work!

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