New Nikon 16-35 f4G ED


Just curious to know if anyone here has used this new offering from Nikon. Seems like an ideal landscape lens partnered with an FX body- with the ability to use filters/grads.


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Expedition Leader
I'm not sure I understand the benefit of this lens over the venerable 17-35mm f/2.8.

Sure, it has VR technology, but is that really needed at the wide angles? When shooting with my 12-24mm f/4, I've never been in a situation where I thought I really needed VR to capture a scene or would trust the VR to deliver tripod-like performance in really low light.

The 17-35 is so highly regarded, I just don't see it.

What am I missing?


Just got reading through that link, thanks Trevor. More distortion fully wide, but less flare. The 14-24mm still seems to be the lens to beat.
I'm in the same conundrum as tdsanto- have been wanting to save up for the 12 year old 17-35mm, (which keeps getting costlier every year) and then this new option comes along...guess I'll have to keep waiting some more.


Expedition Leader
If you're lucky enough to still shoot with film or one of the new FX bodies, then instead of spending that kind of dough on a lens that would likely be used for landscapes (i.e., on a tripod and taking your time), then I'd recommend spending the money on three prime lenses: the 20mm, 24mm, and the 35mm.

I cannot wait until a D700s is unveiled. I'll go back to shooting mostly prime lenses at that point and never look back.

HB 4X4

I've been doing more research now that it has been out a little longer and it appears in some tests that it is sharper than both the 17-35 and the 14-24. Yet in other tests, the 14-24 is still sharper. The common conclusion is that it is at least sharper than the 17-35, and the VR cancels out the difference between the f/2.8 and f/4. How often are you going to shoot wide open on a landscape lens anyways? (My intended purpose... Yours may differ).

Still doing some last minute research on which lens to get. I will be picking up a D700 so I need to replace my 12-24 DX lens. Filters are very important to me for landscape shots, so the 16-35 looks to be ideal. Size and weight are also a nice factor if you don't mind the plastic instead of magnesium.

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