My Journey

Able Guy.....good deal.....I'm pleased that you found a good one and thanks for the kind words & for following along.....

Our next climb of the trip was on Little Flat Top (5,965').....



I don't recall ever climbing anything like this in my past so I was kind of excited to see what's up on top of these flat plateaus that jut up from Utahs desert floor.....



For this particular climb we had to hike around nearly the entire plateau to reach one of the two access points to the summit.....I read online that it was easiest to take the route furthest to the left as one ascended.....which is exactly what we did. Unfortunately I was waaaaaay too far to the summit on the first try but I sure had a nice view of my rig.....



It was still fairly early in the morning when we began our retreat.....we downclimbed and headed home (to the camper that is).....after an afternoon nap and lunch we were back at it.....



On the second attempt we were successful in finding the narrow chute which was maybe three feet in width and was well hidden in the tall rocky cliffs. Tanner was reluctant to go up that narrow chute but honestly it was not all that bad.....I did not photograph the chute.....I was focused on getting Tanner to the top.....


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The weather continued to be perfect.....therefore we were in no hurry to descend.....



I never seem to mind the lonlieness of these solitary climbs.....I continue to seek out these places where few other people seem to go.....




Little Flat Top was a really unigue almost seemed like it just sprang straight up from the desert floor and in reality the surface of Little Flat Top wasn't all that different from what was below.....


I got my summit shots of Tanner.....these have become my proof of summit.....not that I need someone actually cares.....



Eventually we made our way back to what should have been our desolate, remote campsite.....ten miles off pavement.....down a dirt track road.....where solitude was to be expected.....but we found this.....


Sometimes I can't help but think that this lifestyle isn't for everyone.....I love my solitude more than anything in the world.....obviously everyone doesn't think like me.....



Wow! People just don't get it. I would never do that. When we were at Lincoln Creek, just outside Aspen, a young couple stopped. They had driven back in and every dispersed site was occupied. There was a somewhat secluded spot off our site entrance and they asked if they could camp there. I said absolutely. I told them we were leaving in the morning and they could have the spot, but they also were leaving. They would have had a good 30-40 minute 4-Low drive out on terrible road. We had a nice chat and they went about getting their tent up. Even in a campground I'm not going to take a site next to someone unless it is the last one or there is an issue with other sites. There is an unwritten rule. They obviously didn't have a clue.
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ITTOG & Ace.....yes I too saw things..... least they were good neighbors. We never spoke and they did not have a generator......

nathane.....I've got plenty more stories to tell here.....we never really settle down. Recently I've had a renewed appreciation for my life of freedom as well as a sincere gratitude for my continued good health. With nearly 240,000 Americans dead from Covid-19, I try to live now as if each day is my last day here on earth.....cause we just never know what will come tomorrow.....

Now I often like to point out on XP that I am not an overlander (for instance they can fix their rigs themselves when trouble arises amongst many other well known reasons).....I am simply one who wanders. But if you had seen me under the hood of my old beater Jeep in the desert replacing the starter, you may have mistaken me for an overlander. I watched a How To video on YouTube and was left thinking "heck, a monkey could do this" (but unfortunately there were no monkeys around to hire) yea, it only took me 45 minutes to replace it.....yep, I sure was proud of myself.....that old starter lasted 28 years.....not too shabby I'd say.....


So now that the Jeep was road worthy (I hoped that anyhow), we took it ten miles further to the east.....further into the desert.....along the Lower San Rafael Road to visit the sand dunes.....




Now it was kind of funny at the sand dunes.....I would have liked to have parked the Jeep here and wandered around in those sand dunes.....but honestly I had no confidence in my workmanship.....I was afraid to shut the Jeep down. We simply had a look and then we left.....good enough I guessed.....



Now one of the coolest things that we did while camped here was to awake at 3:00 a.m. and go hiking along the dirt track road so that we could watch the meteors in the dark desert sky. The date was October 21, 2020 which was the prime night to see the Orionid Meteor Shower.....and it was simply fantastic. My picture below is just the night sky.....there's no way I could have photographed them.....they came much too quickly.....


We only stayed here for a few days & nights.....I would imagine one could spend a lifetime exploring the San Rafael Swell.....



.....I had something else on my mind so it was back into the cab of the truck.....and it was back onto that paved highway driving north once again.....

Just short of the highways intersection with Interstate 70, we pulled over to do some hiking and minor peak bagging in the Buckmaster Hills.....



These rock formations are located on the eastern edge of the San Rafael Swell.....


We were there just a few hours.....we then connected with Interstate 70 and headed east as our next planned destination was the Crystal Geyser.....


I had Googled "hot springs near me" and this place came up (unfortunately). I didn't research it further.....I simply drove there thinking I'd be soaking in a hot spring.....


It turned out that this was a geyser (as the name seems to imply).....and to make matters even worse, it's a cold water geyser.....


Tanner & I.....well, we made the best of the situation and went for a swim in the ice cold Green River.....



Afterwards we drove into town (Green River, Utah) and had a look around.....not much to see here so we set up camp for the night just outside the town limits.....


.....and then we walked around.....


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
The Green River museum is worth a look see but you’ve probably moved on already.

I often overnight camp fairly close to the highway between Hanksville, or as I call it Cranksville, and the interstate. It’s convenient from my home if headed to Lake Powell. Probably near those hills you hiked.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ace.....yes, that was a very long time ago.....

The following morning we were up early.....the plan was to head south.....

And yes, if you're reading this and you're thinking "geez, one day it's north, next day south, then east, then west.....well, you would be correct. Often late in the evening I can be found at the kitchen table staring at my old road atlas thinking "where next ?".....

So we drove east on the interstate, connected with Highway 191 and then drove south into Moab, Utah. Everything I'd read and heard about Moab was that October was one of the busy seasons.....therefore we came early.....with no plans to stay.....


I've visited Moab and Arches National Park in the past so I was here only to run errands.....and then we left town.....


We continued driving south and next stopped at the Wilson Arch.....



This can easily be seen from Highway 191 so as you might imagine there were plenty of gawkers lined up along the highway. We did the short hike up.....


.....and then we were gone.....


In Monticello, Utah we turned off the highway, drove west up the mountainside into the Manti-Lasal National Forest.....


And here we found ourselves a new place to call come. Our neighbors were the mule deer and the wild turkeys. Never in my life have I ever seen so many wild turkeys.....probably numbered in the hundreds.....



This seemed like a good was now the last week of hunting season in Utah so most hunters were were not allowed off road kind of place.....

Originally when we came here I'd planned to spend a night at a lake just outside of town (I found this place on ioverlander). But there were signs everywhere which stated that the area closed at dusk (you can't always trust ioverlander). So we went further up the mountain and set up our camp at an abandoned ski resort parking lot.....


I met a father / son hunting team the following morning (my kind of hunters I might add.....riding their mules up into the mountains.....). They told me about the route to climb Abajo Peak (11,360').....the highest peak in the Abajo Mountains (that's where we were camped).....



Geez.....that was one steep started out straight up the abandoned ski slope.....


Perfect weather and complete solitude made for a wonderful day climbing in the mountains.....



After a few hours of hiking we made our summit.....



Not the most scenic summit that I've ever seen but hey.....I had excellent cell service while camped here.....


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Short note re Moab: I lived there for 22 years. The best and worst times of my life. Had to move when I saw what was happening to this town (area). Consumed by greed and opportunists. Even outlying areas like Monticello and Blanding are being "discovered". However, there's still many places that I've hiked in those areas that will not be a destination point! Lots of real estate out there to still be explored by those who desire solitude and grandeur!
ROKTAXI.....all "discovered" towns are being destroyed. That's just what I'm seeing. While I was only in town for less than half a day I heard that there's currently a huge dispute between locals regarding ATV use in town.....too many & too loud. I spoke with several National Park employees that said they'd never seen Moab as busy as it was this season. I went to the Abajo Mountains.....where I found "solitude and grandeur".....

Now that father / son hunting team told me that while out hunting they had discovered a possibly unknown Indian ruin and a cave that was nearby.....well, that was something that I just had to see. Their description of its location was sketchy but I thought I'd give it a go. Into the Jeep we went.....still no confidence in it so I parked on a hill.....the stones under the confidence in the emergency brake.....


We passed by a campsite where a fire was still smoldering.....people are absolutely incredible.....of course there's a fire ban across the entire western U.S. and here's someone that leaves their illegal fire unattended.....


Just finding the trailhead turned into quite the adventure.....


.....but it was well worth the effort.....




Now I scanned those rock cliffs along both sides of the trail as best that I could but I never did see the ruins nor the cave.....they said maybe three miles in so we went six.....


.....oh to the next adventure.....

We climbed another peak while camped here.....Horse Head Peak (11,209'). We took the Jeep once again to the start of the climb.....still no confidence.....parked on a hill with logs under the tires.....


Now this was a rather short climb but it was far from easy.....rock talus and high winds made it a bit of a challenge.....




Once again we persevered and made our summit.....


Love those summit days with my best friend.....



We also made a twenty mile drive in the Jeep to check out Newspaper Rock.....


The southwest United States is simply amazing.....and I have plenty more to share.....




Great photos as always. When we were at Canyonlands a couple years ago we drove into the Southern portion where Newspaper Rock is, I believe. We must have driven right by it.

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