Muddy Buddy

Brian McVickers

Staff member
Hi all,
My company puts on an event called the Muddy Buddy.
It is a 6 mile off-road course to be completed by teams of two people.
Each team has one mountain bike. One person rides while the other person runs. After 1.5 miles you come to an obsacle, could be a hay bail to get over or could be a horizontal fence to belly crawl under. At each obstacle the rider, who would be in front of the runner, drops the bike and continues running on foot. The first runner then find the bike, completes the obstacle and continues on bike. The two team members then leap frog each other to the end where they must cross the finish line together. At the end just before the finsih line is usually a chest deap mud pit to wollow through!

We have 8 events across the country and they are a blast! This year we are partnered with Land Rover as title sponsor!

Check out and find an event clost to you!


El Gringo Spectacular!
These events are a great way to get into some light "adventure racing" without the gear/monetary shock of the larger/longer races!

Personally, I'm not a big fan of mud....but have heard nothing but good things about the organization of these races.


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