
Probably a rejected design from Military .........Would come in very handy for land mines!..........Wonder what that beast weighs with all the steel plate


Expedition Leader
Idk about an MRAP... looks more like a prototype route clearance vehicle such as a Buffalo. Center operator seat is a little odd but doable I guess?
While it's not cheap you are getting a solid collection of new (?) Components/drive train.
Not all that excited on the Meritor axles... Axle tech ones would be less bulky imho.

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It is most definitely not a buffalo chassis as they are a hull style design. Not even a fuffalo, which is a training only truck built on a 900 series 5T chassis. Data plate says FWD fire apparatus.


Expedition Leader
It is most definitely not a buffalo chassis as they are a hull style design. Not even a fuffalo, which is a training only truck built on a 900 series 5T chassis. Data plate says FWD fire apparatus.
Agree it isn't a Buffalo. Didn't mean to imply it was.
It is a little curious what it IS/was intended to be.
A little beefy for even a FOB airfield firetruck ...but who knows. *shrugs*


1) It looks highly impractical considering it's narrow as a coffin or F1 car.

2) I don't see how this could be made street legal.


Expedition Leader
1) It looks highly impractical considering it's narrow as a coffin or F1 car.

2) I don't see how this could be made street legal.

That doesn't look that narrow to me. That tire has a diameter of 46" which makes me think the chassis is not a normal 34" chassis.

The biggest problem for me is the center control location. Makes it difficult to add a body without a lot of rework.

Also the rear being duals means it will be a rough bugger.



Hopefully my response to your post didn't come off too snarky. I came back to see if someone had an idea about what it was. Just trying to be factual, possibly too much.


Active member
It's a chassis/engine/drive train for Blackwater's Grizzly APC...

Starting with the "Seagrave" tag in the ebay pics, I Google searched "did Seagrave make mrap in 2007?" and found the Seagrave Fire Apparatus Company website. Site says they make MRAP. See italics below. :ylsmoke::
DOD Agencies – Tactical Trucks, Truck Chassis , Missile Transporter, Mine-Resistant-Ambush-Protected (MRAP) Trucks, Aircraft-Rescue-Fire-Fighting (ARFF) (Military Tactical Vehicles), Spare Parts Support

But there were no pics on the Seagrave site. Back to Google. Found a reference to Seagrave making APC named "Grizzly". Pic showing split windshield and single rear wheels indicate this chassis isn't the ebay one. Italics is excerpt from link. :coffee:
The first Grizzly was built on a commercial GMC chassis. The current versions are built on a custom chassis supplied by Seagrave Fire Apparatus, Clintonville, Wisconsin.

Then I found it. The Blackwater Grizzly APC! ( :clapsmile ) Vehicle was Blackwater's (the now defunct security business) entry into the military's JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle). Pics show single and dual rear wheel vehicles, both with single driver seat up front (no passenger seat). Italics is excerpt from link:
The vehicle's diamond hull shell is attached to a Seagraye chassis, powered by a 330 hp caterpillar C7/3126E turbo-diesel engine.

In November 2008 announced Blackwater was ending it's Grizzly production. Article refers to these JLTV's as "MRAP II". The MRAP II is essentially a lightweight MRAP. Italics is, well, you know....
Blackwater USA, the private security and training company, has shut down a large part of its manufacturing subdivision after losing the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program and facing dwindling demand for its “Grizzly” Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
good research, thanks. So it's a baby MRAP that never was. An interesting piece of military history but probably not the best choice for an overland platform (unless you are using an old Brinks truck as the camper body) :)

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