LR3 yellow brake light

Eric K

So my LR3 has a yellow brake light going off, I replaced the brake pads and sensors, but the light is still on. The owners manual says that light is only for brake pads, I don't remember anything I need to reset. Is that light just for brake pads low?


Expedition Leader
Brake pad wear sensor is likely culprit. There are two of them (one front, one rear). They are a plug and play kind of repair, pretty easy to do and not very expensive. Atlantic British sells them. RockAuto probably does too.

Also, Brake switches are known to be a sensitive item for LR3's. It's a cheap mechanical plunger type switch that is under your dash and is activated by the movement of the brake pedal. $20 at the auto parts store for a Ford replacement and you are good to go. It's a good idea to replace, even on a preventative basis, over 100k miles.

Eric K

I did replace the brake pads and sensor. I guess the new sensor could be bad? Does anyone know if that yellow brake light on the dash is for more than just brake pad wear?


Associated with the yellow error light you should have a message in the message center - mine just came on as well and it says check brake pads in the message centre. Changed mine yesterday and fault messages gone.
I did replace the brake pads and sensor. I guess the new sensor could be bad? Does anyone know if that yellow brake light on the dash is for more than just brake pad wear?
Are you getting anything in the message center? If not, and it's the one that illuminates 'Brake': you may have a warning lamp circuit code C1A48, but would have the code read as it could be a few other things related to the parking brake to hunt down.Screenshot_20210111-192142_IIDControl.jpg

Eric K

message center just says to check the brake pads. At this point I am guessing I may have a defective sensor. Out of town though and haven't had a chance to investigate.
actually, what would happen if I didn't get the sensor plugged in properly?

It still showing that message is probably a great sign of an easy solution.

I just did a quick check on mine to confirm same for the rear as the front, but looks like both sensors are really just wires designed to be cut by your brake rotor when your brake pads get low enough to expose it. The new 'state' should be electrical continuity - zero resistance- between the two pins of the coupler on the sensor.

This does mean that if you don't need the car to tell you when your pads are low, a simple solution would be to cut and strip the old sensor wire down and solder the two wires together. I did that on the front already after it came loose, ripped off and ground into the rotor - will probably do the rear when I do the pads.

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