Loosing Count.....

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
Thanks everyone for sharing your LR stories! Guess I actually got a little frustrated finally and appreciate everyone pitching in to commiserate with me! Funny how one can be so loyal to such an un-loyal brand! Must be like a battered driver syndrome:rolleyes:


I hope I'm not jinxing myself - but I'm up past 140,000 miles and have had no issues at all. I've changed the oil, done a set of discs and pads, some wheel bearings and general maintenance stuff - but nothing scary - In fact the only complaint I could have about the truck is that the body work is starting to go due to the excessive amount of salt that is put on the roads in the winter.



I'm another owner who has had very few problems with my rovers - Even my old Freelander was pretty reliable. Maybe it's because they are happy: A dirty truck is a happy truck. 101 off-road expeditions in less than five years.....


I do all of my work by myself and most of the work has been modifications and maintaince items. When something did break I just upgraded the part. The only issue I ever had was the three amigos and a engine fire. The three amigos where fixed with the SLABS system being jerked out and all ABS components removed. The engine fire is being fixed with a 300tdi conversion.

See, like I said it is all upgrades, not really issues or problems.


New member
In the last 4 years my 90 (1984 with 3.9 V8 transplant) has only given me trouble once when I broke a half shaft after getting seriously stuck on a night drive through the dunes to get to a campsite.

My Disco has had two major problems

1. Front propshaft broke (usual double cardon no grease issue)
2. Front diff broke - replace with ARB at 1/4 of the cost of LR

Other than that just some minor problems, primarily broken mounts (engine, gearbox and transfer case) also had to replace the MAF recently and had a couple of injectors changed, also replaced the ABS unit from a wrecked 2004 model and that cured the magic lights syndrome (well almost)

Have faith treat her well and your Landy will will get you there


Expedition Leader
Over the past four years and 100K plus miles, all I have had to do, other than general maintenance, is a new fuel pump, fuel filter, cats, muffler, and belt tensioner. The more gentle I am, it seems the more problems I had so I am pretty rough on her but always keep up on the general maintenance.

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
Maybe you have something w/ being too gentle! I am a fanatic about up-keep and scheduled maintenance. I think it is just the age and mileage. When everything is working she really runs strong and is a joy to drive.


2000 DII – Where to begin:

  • Front drive shaft – replaced with GBR
  • Rear drive shaft – replaced with GBR w/ conversion to a real u-joint
  • Radiator – caused by a tree that refused to move out of my way
  • 3 sets of CV’s – caused by front and rear lockers and large tires
  • Multiple oil seals on the rear axle shafts
  • Wheel speed sensors – fixed by removing them, placing the back of a DI T-Case with a VSS, running the signal through a resistor network to fool the SLABS. No issues since
  • ABS pump – fixed by doing number 6 and removing the ABS system and putting a Chevy hydro boost system on.
  • Catalytic converters – Another issue with a tree
  • Head gasket at 150,000 miles. Also replaced the cam with a D&D cam and new timing set. Heads rebuilt along with getting the intake and exhaust valves enlarged and the heads blue printed and ports polished.
  • Went through 4 auto transmissions in under 4 months. All caused by the stealer ship. Replaced with a R380 from a DI. R380 again was blue printed and oil passages bored out so I can use 75W/90 gear oil.
For over 220,000 miles on the clock, I did not have that much go wrong. Most of it is because I take my rover where it was not suppose to go bone stock. But when every thing was fixed and it was running good, the worst break happen, THE ENGINE FIRE. That is ok, now I can make the rover even better.:wings:

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